Electrical engineering - practice problems - page 2 of 10
Electrical engineering is an engineering discipline that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.Number of problems found: 191
- Several resistors
We have a box with the same resistors, so all of them have a resistance value of 200 ohms. Draw the connection of several resistors so that the resulting resistance is: a) 100 b) 120 (only 4 resistors)
- Effectiveness 80711
When testing the effectiveness of an electric cooker with data of 220 V, 1200 W, 1 kg of water at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius was boiled for 8.5 minutes. Calculate the stove efficiency corresponding to these data
- Resistances 80706
The current I = 4A branches into three wires with resistances R1 = 2Ώ, R2 = 5Ώ, R3 = 10Ώ. Calculate the total resistance of the connection and the voltage of the source. How big are the currents in each wire?
- Determine 80705
The bulb is rated 6 V, 0.2 A. Determine the current rating of the bulb.
- Automatically 80704
The electric circuit breaker automatically switches off the circuit of the 220 V electrical network at a current of 6 A. Determine the maximum power in the protected circuit.
- Resistance 80703
An immersion cooker has a resistance of 30 ohms and is connected to a voltage of 120 V. How much heat is generated in 2 hours?
- Consumption 80702
A current of 500 mA passed through the filament of a light bulb with a resistance of 400 ohms. What is the consumption of a light bulb in 5 hours?
- Resistance 80700
Determine the largest voltage on a resistor with a resistance of 150 ohms if the largest permitted electrical power current in the resistor is 2 W.
- Resistance 80699
The immersion cooker plate has data 220 V, 300 W. What is the resistance of the heating wire?
- Resistance 80698
The electric iron plate has written 220 V, 1200 W. What is the resistance of the heating wire?
- Alternating circuit
In an alternating circuit, the total voltage V is given by V=V1 +V2 If V=(12.2+6.8i) V and V1=(7.8-2.5i) V, find the voltage V2.
- Resistance 80606
How much resistance must be connected in parallel with the 1-ohm resistor to make the total resistance 0.6 ohm?
- A charge
A charge of 9 C passes through series-connected resistors with resistances of 40 ohms and 60 ohms in 1 minute. a) What voltage are they connected to? b) Calculate the voltage across each resistor.
- Resistances 80604
Resistors with resistances of 6 ohms and 10 ohms are connected in series to a voltage of 24 V. a) How much current passes through them? b) What are the voltages on the individual resistors?
- A light bulb
We want to connect a 2.5 V, 0.3 A light bulb to a flat battery. How much resistance and how do we need to connect to the light bulb?
- A current
A current of 0.1 A flows in the branch with a resistance of 5 ohms. In the second branch, a current of 0.2 A. Calculate: a) what is the resistance of the second branch, b) to what voltage was the circuit connected?
- Resistance 80577
Three identical resistors connected in series have a total resistance of 9 ohms. What will be their total resistance when connected in parallel
- Ohms
Two resistors of 6 ohms and 8 ohms are connected in parallel to a flat battery U=4.5 V. Calculate: a) the total current, b) the current in the branches.
- Two conductors
Two conductors have resistance Rs=5 ohms when connected in series and Rp=1.2 ohms when connected in parallel. Calculate the value of the resistors.
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