Electrical engineering - math word problems - last page
Electrical engineering is an engineering discipline that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.Number of problems found: 191
- Resistance of the resistor
The resistor terminals have a voltage of 20 V, and a current of 5 mA is passed through. What is the resistance of the resistor?
- Resistance 5713
The kettle is connected to a voltage of 230 V. Its resistance is 130 ohms. What is the current flowing through the kettle?
- Efficiency 4073
Determine the efficiency of a vacuum cleaner with a power input of 1.2 kW when the suction power is 360 W.
- Efficiency
What is the power output of a kettle 2 kW with an efficiency of 90%?
- Resistance
Determine the bulb's resistance with the current 200 mA and is in a regular lamp (230V).
- Aluminum wire
Aluminum wire of 3 mm diameter has a total weight of 1909 kg and a density of 2700 kg/m³. How long is the wire bundle?
- Electrics - conductor
The wire is 107 meters long at 0 °C, and at every temperature increase of 1 °C, the length increases by 0.15 mm per 1 m length of wire. Determine a function that represents the wire's overall length as a temperature function. What is the length of the wir
- Decibel
A circuit has an input power of 73 mW. Its output power is 18 mW. What is the loss in decibels?
- Resistors
Two parallel resistors connected in series give the resulting resistance $R1Ω and $R2Ω. Determine the resistance of these resistors.
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