Divisibility - practice problems - page 6 of 21
Number of problems found: 419
- Smallest 42541
Write the number 937289 larger than the smallest 6-digit odd number.
- Numbers 42291
How many five-digit odd numbers exist?
- Probability 42081
What is the probability of any two-digit natural number a) is divisible by seven, b) is divisible by nine, c) is not divisible by five.
- Five-digit number
Anna thinks of a five-digit number not divisible by three or four. If he increments each digit by one, it gets a five-digit number divisible by three. If he reduces each digit by one, he gets a five-digit number divisible by four. If it swaps any two digi
- Even/odd numbers
What is the product of 0.97 and the following odd decimal number?
- Probability 41101
What is the probability of a random event A that a) an even number, b) a number divisible by three, c) a number greater than six will fall on the dice roll.
- Probability 41091
What is the probability that an odd prime will fall on a dice roll?
- Entertainment 41081
In the entertainment lottery, they draw one number from 1 to 35. What is the probability that they will draw an odd compound number?
- Divisors 40571
All common divisors of headings 90 and 48
- Together
The three friends divided the balls in a ratio of 6:5:4. Some two got 126 balls. How many balls were there together?
- Find unknown number
What is the number between 50 and 55 that is divisible by 2,3,6,9?
- Calculate
Calculate the sum of all three-digit natural numbers divisible by five.
- Coloured numbers
Mussel wrote four different natural numbers with colored markers: red, blue, green, and yellow. When the red number is divided by blue, it gets the green number is an incomplete proportion, and yellow represents the remainder after this division. When it
- Decompose 37101
Decompose the number of primes and find its digit sum: 180, 232, 460, 240, 365,
- All pairs
Find all pairs (m, n) of natural numbers for which is true: m s (n) = n s (m) = 70, where s(a) denotes the digit sum of the natural number a.
- Prime divisors
Find 2/3 of the sum's ratio and the product of all prime divisors of the number 120.
- Summer camp
Some boys or girls signed up for the summer camp, which has a maximum capacity of 200 children. The main leader noticed that during the evening start, he could arrange the participants exactly in the twelve-step, sixteen-step, or eighteen-step, and no one
- Tractor wheels
The tractor's front wheel has a circumference of 18 dm and the rear 60 dm. We will make a red mark on the lowest point of both wheels. The tractor then starts. At what distance from the start will both marks appear identically at the bottom again?
- Three
Three buses follow the same circular route. The first driver is the slowest because he has many stops, and it takes him 90 minutes to cross the route. The second driver will pass the circuit in 1 hour. The third driver has the fewest stops, and the circui
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