Divisibility - math word problems - last page
Number of problems found: 419
- Count of roots
How many solutions have equation x * y = 7757 with two unknowns on the set of natural numbers?
- Divisibility
Determine the smallest integer which divided 11 gives remainder 4. When divided, 15 gives remainder 10 and when divided by 19 gives remainder 16.
- Plums
In the bowl are plums. How many would be there if we could divide it equally among 8, 10, and 11 children?
- Game room
The winner can take the win in three types of jettons with value 3, 30, and 100 dollars. What is the minimum value of win payable in these values of jettons?
- Chebyshev formula
To estimate the number of primes less than x Chebyshev formula is used: Pi(x) = 1.11 (x)/(ln x). Estimate the number of primes less than 30300537.
- Quadrant
In what quadrant is a -1165° angle?
- No. of divisors
How many different divisors have number 13 4 * 2 4?
- Cherries
Cherries in the bowl can be divided equally among 20 or 15, or 10 children. How many are the minimum cherries in the bowl?
- Diophantus
We know little about this Greek mathematician from Alexandria, except that he lived around the 3rd century A.D. Thanks to an admirer who described his life through an algebraic riddle, we know at least something about it. Diophantus's youth lasted 1/6 of
- Class
When Pythagoras asked how many students attended the school, he said: "Half of the students studying mathematics, 1/4 music, seventh silent, and there are three girls at school." How many students had Pythagoras at school?
- Divisors
Find all divisors of number 432. How many are there?
- Lines
Five bus lines run at intervals 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 minutes. In the morning, it suddenly starts at 4:00. After how many minutes do the bus lines meet again?
- Divisibility
Is the number 186317 exactly divisible by 7? (the result is the integer, and/or remainder is zero)
- Primes 2
Which prime number is number 2026 divisible?
- Divisibility 2
How many divisors have integer numbers 80?
- Divisibility
Determine all divisors of number 90.
- Diofant 2
Is equation 1140x +876y = 48 solvable on the set of integers Z?
- Diofant equation
In the set of integers (Z), solve the equation: 212x +316y =0 Write result with integer parameter t in Z (parameter t = ...-2,-1,0,1,2,3... if equation has infinitely many solutions)
- Rectangles
How many rectangles with area 8855 cm² whose sides are natural numbers?
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