Divisibility - math word problems - page 20 of 21
Number of problems found: 419
- Three digits number
From the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, create three-digit numbers whose digits do not repeat, and the number is divisible by 2. How many numbers are there?
- Combinations
How many different combinations of two-digit numbers divisible by four arise from the digits 3, 5, and 7?
- Number
Determine an unknown number if you know that the difference between five times and triple of number is 58.
- Unknown integer
Find the smallest integer: Divided by 2, the remainder is 1. divided by 3. The remainder is 2. divided by 4. The remainder is 3. Divided by eight, the remainder is 7. Divided by 9, the remainder is 8.
- The carpet
How many meters of carpet 90 cm wide need to cover the floor room, which has a rectangular shape with lengths of 4.8 m and 2.4 m, if the number of pieces on the carpet is needed to be lowest?
- Children
Less than 20 children played various games in the yard. They can create pairs, trios, and quartets. How many children were in the yard when Annie came to them?
- Birthdate
Jane brought 30 lollipops and 24 chewing gum for their friends on her birthday. How many friends does she have if everyone receives the same number of lollipops and chewing gums? How much chewing gum and lollipops have any friends?
- Sports games
Pupils of the same school participated in district sports games. When dividing the teams into teams, it was found that in the case of the creative teams with four pupils, one pupil was remaining, five-member teams had two pupils, and six-member teams had
- Tiles
The hall has dimensions 250 × 200 dm. What is the largest size of square tiles that can be tiled throughout the hall, and how many do we need?
- Nuts, girl and boys
Milena collected fallen nuts and called a bunch of boys to let them share. She took a condition: the first boy takes one nut and a tenth of the rest, the second takes two nuts and a tenth new rest, the third takes three nuts and a tenth new rest, and so o
- Unknown number
An unknown number is divisible by exactly three different primes. When we compare these primes in ascending order, the following applies: • The difference between the first and second prime numbers is half the difference between the third and second prime
- Snowman 2
On the medal, which has the shape of a circle with a diameter 18 cm, is sketched a snowman so that the following requirements are met: 1. snowman is composed of three circles, 2. space over the snowman is the same as under it, 3. diameters of all circles
- Snowman
In a circle with a diameter of 40 cm are drawn three circles (as a snowman) where: its diameters are integers, each larger circle diameter is 2 cm larger than the diameter of the previous circle. Determine the snowman height if we wish for the highest sno
- Decomposition
Make decomposition using prime numbers of number 206. The result is written as prime factors (all, even multiple)
- Divisors
The sum of all divisors unknown odd number is 2112. Determine the sum of all divisors of a number that is twice unknown numbers.
- Tiles
From how many tiles, 20 cm by 30 cm, we can build a square of maximum dimensions if we have a maximum of 275 tiles.
- Segments
We divide line segments 59 cm and 5.3 dm long into equal parts, the lengths of which are expressed as integers in centimeters. How many ways can we divide?
- Package
The package has no more than 66 m of cloth. If we just cut it all on the blouses or all on dresses, no cloth left to remain. On the one blouse consumes 1.3 m of cloth and on one dress 5 m. Determine the amount of the cloth in the package.
- Group
A group of kids wanted to ride when the children were divided into groups of 3 children, one remained. When divided into groups of 4 children, one remains. When divided into groups of 6 children, one remains. After being divided into groups of 5 children,
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