Divisibility - math word problems - page 18 of 21
Number of problems found: 419
- Apples 2
How many minimum apples are in the cart? Is it completely divided into packages of 6, 14, and 21 apples?
- Theorem prove
We want to prove the sentence: If the natural number n is divisible by six, then n is divisible by three. From what assumption do we start?
- 3 buses
Morning at 5:00 am, three buses started from one place. The first travel in five-minute intervals, the second at 10-minute intervals, and the third at 25-minute intervals. At what hour will the three buses again come from the same place?
- Daughters
The man conducting the census asks a woman the age of her three daughters. The woman says when multiplying the age, get the number 72; if their ages add up, get a number of our house, as you see. The man says: That is not enough to calculate their ages. S
- Buses
At the bus stop at 10 o'clock met buses No. 2 and No. 9. Bus number 2 runs at an interval of 4 minutes and bus number 9 at intervals of 9 minutes. How many times does the bus meet at 18:00 local time?
- Trees
Loggers wanted to seed more than 700 and less than 800 trees. If they seed in rows of 37, leave them eight trees. If they seed in rows of 43, leave the 11 trees. How many trees must seed?
- Troops
If the general sorts troops into the crowd by nine, left 6. How many soldiers have the regiment if we know they are less than 300?
- Trams
Tram no. 3,7,10,11 rode together from the depot at 5 AM. Tram No. 3 returns after 2 hours, tram No. 7 an hour and a half, no. 10 in 45 minutes, and no. 11 in 30 minutes. For how many minutes and when do these trams meet again?
- Cash back
After a trip, 24 students left more than 650 but less than 690 CZK (Kc). How much does each student receive in return when the amount is divisible by the number of pupils?
- Three buses
Three public transport buses depart together from the bus station in the morning. The first bus returns to the station after 18 minutes, the second after 12 minutes, and the third after 24 minutes. How long will again together at the station? Please expre
- Matches
George poured out-of-the-box matches and composed their triangles, and no match was left. Then he tried squares, hexagons, and octagons, and no match was left. How many matches must be at least in the box?
- Czech crowns
Small Petra saves money. Grandfather gives her ten crowns. Petra asked his older sister to let her calculate how much he had saved. Sister told her that he had less than 30 crowns. If the sum is divided by three, leave one crown. Suppose the sum is divide
- Basements
In the first cellar, there are more flies than spiders. In the second, the opposite. In each cellar, the flies and spiders had a combined 100 legs. Determine how many flies and spiders could have been in the first and how many could have been in the secon
- Bundle of candies
The store has 168 chocolates, 224 caramel candies, and 196 hard candies. How many packages can we do, and how many candies will be in each package?
- Ski tow
The ski club has 168 pupils and uses a lift with 60 seats. Students always follow the same sequence in filling seats. How often does a skier sit in the same seat as the first run while riding a ski lift?
- The exhibition
The teacher charged 280 CZK for four students' admission to the exhibition. How many students were at the exhibition? Hint: the admission cost is a whole number.
- Three Titanics
Three steamers sailed from the same port on the same day. The first came back on the third, the fourth 4th day, and the third returned on the sixth. How many days after leaving, the steamers meet again in the harbor?
- Grandson and granddad
Grandson with Grandpa counted how many years they had together. Their product is 365. How many years is the sum of their years?
- Tiles
The room has dimensions of 12 m and 5.6 m. Determine the number of square tiles and their largest possible size to cover the room's floor.
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