Divisibility - math word problems - page 15 of 21
Number of problems found: 419
- Thinking 4586
I'm thinking of a number that doesn't belong to the group. Please find it, justify the choice, and divide it by 9. 36,54,56,80,72,64,42,18,24,32,90,48,28,99.
- Cinema 4584
There are 15 seats in the cinema. If we know the number of seats, we will say that there are more than 390 but less than 410.
- Expression 4451
Find the largest natural number d that has that property for any natural number n; the number V(n) is the value of the expression: V (n) = n ^ 4 + 11n²−12 is divisible by d.
- Smallest 4432
What is the smallest number of members of a dance group with the same number of guys and girls, and at the same time they can form groups of three or five dancers while dancing?
- Performance 4403
During a public performance, majorettes line up in three-step, four-step, six-step, and eight-step. All rows are full with each grouping, and no majorette is promoted. Determine the smallest possible number of majorettes for which a performance can be mad
- Digit sum
Determine how many integers greater than 900 and less than 1,001 have the digit sum digit of the number 1.
- Customers 4344
Sixty customers visited the hair salon. Customers were either blondes, brunettes, brunettes, or redheads. One in three was brunette, one in five was blonde, and one in fifteen was a redhead. How many brunettes were there in the salon?
- Modulo
Find x in the modulo equation: 47x = 4 (mod 9) Hint - read as what number 47x divided by 9 (modulo 9) gives remainder 4.
- Two friends
Two friends met as a good man perished together for a beer. After recovering the most important topics (politics, women, football ...), one asks: - And how many children do you have? - I have three children. - And how many years have you? A friend already
- Centipede 4257
Centipede Mirka consists of a head and several articles. Each pair has one pair of legs. When it got cold, she decided to get dressed. Therefore, she put a sock on her left foot from the end of the third article and then in every other third article. Simi
- Symmetry
Eva loves symmetry in shapes and numbers. Yesterday she invented an entirely new kind of symmetry - divisible symmetry. She wrote all five-digit numbers with different digits with the following property: The first digit is divisible by 1, the second by 2,
- Organizes 4152
Shepherd has less than 500 sheep. If he organizes them in 4 rows, he will remain three sheep. If he manages them in 5 rows, he will remain four sheep. If he arranges them in 6 rows, he will remain five sheep. But it can manage them exactly in 7 rows. How
- Maximally 4036
Mr. Novák wants to pave the terrace with tiles of two sizes to be as small as possible. Its terrace is square with a side 3 meters long. There is a wall of the house on two sides of the terrace. Next to the wall, he wants to put small tiles, the rest larg
- Probability 4020
There are numbers from 1 to 20 in the hat. What is the probability that we will pull out from the hat: a / one-digit number b / prime number c / number greater than 11 d / a number divisible by six Thank you
- Candies 3989
How many candies does Renata have in the box? There are less than 50 of them. She can divide them fairly among her five or even six friends and still have one candy left over for her and her brother. How many candies are in the candy box?
- Z9-I-4
Kate thought of a five-digit integer. She wrote the sum of this number and its half in the first line of the workbook. Write a total of this number and its fifth on the second line. She wrote a sum of this number and its one nines on the third row. Finall
- Fluid
We have vessels containing 7 liters, 5 liters, and 2 liters. The largest container is filled with fluid, and the others are empty. Can you only get 5 liters and two 1 liter of fluid by pouring? How much pouring is needed?
- Clotheslines
Mommy needs six clotheslines 360 cm long. Clotheslines are sold in the length of eight meters. How many of these clotheslines must buy mom if any does not want to be connected? How much does mommy pay for the clotheslines when one piece costs 24kč?
- Pet store
They sold fish from one aquarium from the breeding product (Zverimex). Ondrej wanted half of all the fish, but to avoid cutting any fish, he got half the fish more than he wanted. Matej wanted half of the remaining fish, but like Ondrej, he got half the f
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