Divisibility - math word problems - page 12 of 21
Number of problems found: 419
- Probability 6761
Jano created 2-digit numbers from the cards 2, 4, 5, 9, and 2. What probability will a randomly generated number be odd?
- Digit sum
How many are three-digit numbers that have a digit sum of 6?
- Different 6709
Milan found out that he could wear pants and a T-shirt in a total of 28 different ways. How many T-shirts and pants can he have? List all options.
- Divisors 6619
Which natural number less than 100 has the largest number of divisors?
- Divisible 6615
How many 3-digit numbers can be composed of the digits 1,3,5,7,9 if the digits are not allowed to be repeated in the number notation? How many of them are divisible by five?
- Three friends
Three friends had balls in a ratio of 2:7:4 at the start of the game. Could they have the same number of balls at the end of the game? Write 0 if not, or write the minimum number of balls they had together.
- The sum 2
The sum of five consecutive even integers is 150. Find the largest of the five integers. A.28 B.30 C.34 D.54 Show your solution and explain your answer.
- Mathematics 6522
There are more than 20 but less than 40 students in the class. A third of the pupils wrote the mathematics test with a one, a sixth with a two, and a ninth with a three. Nobody got a four. How many students in the class wrote the test on a five?
- Unclassified 6521
No one was left unclassified after joining the two, three, four, and eight steps. How many students were there in a physical education class?
- Theater 6503
There are more than 320 seats in the theater and less than 330 seats, and there are 18 seats in each row. How many seats and seats are there in the theater?
- Candy and boxes
We have some candy and empty boxes. When we put ten sweets in boxes, two candies and eight empty boxes will be left. When of eight, there will be six candies and three boxes left. How many candy and empty boxes are gone when we put nine sweets into a box?
- School
Less than 500 pupils attend school. When it is sorted into pairs, one pupil remains. Similarly, one remains when sorted into 3, 4, 5, and 6 members teams. Sorted to seven members teams, no left behind. How many pupils are attending this school?
- Situation 6405
Three lines depart from the bus station at 6-minute, 8-minute, and 12-minute intervals during the morning rush hour. Once in a while, they come out at the same time. How many times between 5:30 and 8:30 does this situation occur if they first go out toget
- Together
If eight men, ten women, and 16 children collect ₹1024 in 4 days, how many days will be required for six men, five women, and four boys to collect ₹768? (₹ is Indian Rupee)
- Oranges
The mother divided her three children's oranges in a ratio of 6:5:4. Two children gave 45 oranges. How many oranges were there?
- Orienteering 6301
Twenty-six girls and 39 boys took part in the orienteering race. Create as many of the same teams as possible so that no competitor is left. How many boys and how many girls are on the team?
- Dimensions 6201
Mr. John's plot of land has dimensions of 252 dm and 28 m. How far apart must he place the fence posts so they are the same distance on both sides? How many will he need to fence the entire property?
- Five-crown 6091
The customer paid the amount of CZK 3,200 with the same 100-crown, two-crown and five-crown banknotes. How many banknotes did he use to pay the amount if he paid precisely the amount?
- Consecutive 6090
The sum of four consecutive even numbers is equal to 108. Which of the numbers is equal to the smallest of these summands?
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