The diagonal of rectangle problems - page 4 of 6
Number of problems found: 115
- Rectangular field
A rectangular field has a diagonal length of 169m. If the length and width are in the ratio of 12:5. Find the field's dimensions, the field's perimeter, and the field's area.
- Calculate 70814
The lengths of the sides AB and AD of the rectangle ABCD are in the ratio 3:4. A circle k with a diameter of 10 cm describes a rectangle. Calculate the side lengths of a given rectangle.
- Dimensions 81608
Find out if a circle with a volume of 38.5 cm² fits into a rectangle with dimensions of 110 mm and 65 mm.
- Rectangle diagonals
Calculate for me the length of the diagonal of a rectangle whose size is 7 cm greater than its width and whose perimeter is 34 centimeters. The dimensions of the rectangle are expressed in natural numbers.
- Percentage 82591
A new path is to lead through Mr. Milan's garden – diagonally. By what percentage of the area of the park will it decrease? The length is 23.8 m, the width is 16.7 m, and the road width is 6 m.
- Described circle to rectangle
The rectangle with 6 cm and 4 cm sides was a circumscribed circle. What part of the circle area determined by the circumscribed circle occupies a rectangle? Express in perctentages(%).
- Rectangular 6255
The lengths of the sides of the rectangular garden are in the ratio of 1:2. The connection of the centers of the adjacent sides is 20 m long. Calculate the perimeter and area of the rectangle.
- Ratio of sides
Calculate the area of a circle with the same circumference as the circumference of the rectangle inscribed with a circle with a radius of r 9 cm so that its sides are in a ratio of 2 to 7.
- Respectively 81293
The figure shows the squares ABCD, EFCA, CHCE, and IJHE. Points S, B, F, and G are, respectively, the centers of these squares. Line segment AC is 1 cm long. Determine the area of triangle IJS. Please help...
- The sides
The sides of the rectangle are in a ratio of 3:5, and its circumference measures 72 cm. Calculate: a) the size of both sides of the rectangle b) the area of the rectangle c) the length of the diagonals
- Rectangular 7082
The rectangular flowerbed has dimensions of 20m and 10m. How many steps will you save if you walk along its diagonal instead of walking along its two sides? Honors with a stride length of 60cm.
- Carpet
The room is 10 x 5 meters. You have the role of carpet width of 1 meter. Make a rectangular cut of a roll. That piece of carpet will be the longest possible and will fit into the room. How long is a piece of carpet? Note: The carpet will not be parallel w
- Rectangle
The rectangle is 21 cm long and 38 cm wide. Find the radius of the circle circumscribing the rectangle.
- Dig water well
Mr. Zeman is digging a well. Its diameter is 120 cm, and it plans to be 3.5 meters deep. How long (at least) must be a ladder, after which Mr. Zeman would have eventually come out?
- Rectangle diagonals
It is given a rectangle with an area of 24 cm² and a circumference of 20 cm. The length of one side is 2 cm larger than the length of the second side. Calculate the length of the diagonal. Length and width are yet expressed in natural numbers.
- Entrepreneur 6309
Renting a 1m² advertising board costs €780 per month. A rectangular advertising board has a length of 3 m and its diagonal makes an angle of 34 degrees with the longer side. Calculate how much € an entrepreneur will pay for 4 months of renting a blackboar
- Metal washers
Metal washers with a diameter of 80 mm are cut from a strip of steel sheet with a width of 10 cm and a length of 2 m. When two adjacent circles meet, calculate the material waste percentage if no material is lost.
- Widescreen monitor
A wave of widescreen monitors and televisions hit computer businesses. Calculate the area of the LCD monitor with a diagonal size 27 inches at a ratio of 4:3 and then a 16:9 aspect ratio. Is buying widescreen monitors with the same diagonal more advanta
- Perpendicular 7223
In the ABCDEFGHIJKL, the two adjacent sides are perpendicular to each other, and all sides except the AL and GF sides are identical. The AL and GF parties are twice as long as the other parties. The lines BG and EL intersect at point M. The quadrilateral
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