Biquadratic equation - practice problems - last page
The fourth-order equation in the form ax4 + bx2 + c = 0 is a biquadratic equation. It is solved by substitution t = x2, which converts the equation into a quadratic equation. It will give us one, two, or no roots. Subsequently, the substitution equation will be solved, which usually doubles the number of roots.Direction: Solve each problem carefully and show your solution in each item.
Number of problems found: 28
- Substitution method
Solve a goniometric equation: sin4 θ - 1/cos² θ=cos² θ - 2
- Diagonals of the rhombus
How long are the diagonals e, and f in the diamond if its side is 5 cm long and its area is 20 cm²?
- MO Z8-I-1 2018
Fero and David meet daily in the elevator. One morning, they found that if they multiply their current age, they get 238. If they did the same after four years, this product would be 378. Determine the sum of the current ages of Fero and David.
- Right triangle eq2
Find the lengths of the sides and the angles in the right triangle. Given area S = 210 and perimeter o = 70.
- Diamond diagonals
Calculate the diamonds' diagonal lengths if the diamond area is 156 cm square and the side length is 13 cm.
- Cuboid
Cuboid with edge a=6 cm and space diagonal u=31 cm has volume V=900 cm³. Calculate the length of the other edges.
- Biquadratic
By introducing a new variable, solve the biquadratic equation: - x 4 +277 x² -15876=0
- Heron backlaw
Calculate the unknown side in a triangle with sides 24 and 40 and area 299.6.
We apologize, but in this category are not a lot of examples.
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