The area of a shape of circle problems - page 4 of 18
Number of problems found: 357
- Annulus
Two concentric circles form an annulus with a width of 10 cm. The radius of the smaller circle is 20 cm. Calculate the area of the annulus.
- Circular flowerbed
We split the circular flowerbed with a diameter 8 m by concentric circles to circles and annulus with the same area. Find the radius of the circle.
- Calculate 25621
Calculate the area of a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle with a radius r = 7 cm.
- Radius
Find the radius of the circle with area S = 200 cm².
- Ace
The length of segment AB is 24 cm, and the points M and N are divided into thirds. Calculate the circumference and area of this shape.
- Circle - simple
Calculate the area of a circle in dm² if its circumference is 31.4 cm.
- Circle
How big is the area of a circle if its circumference is 51.2 cm?
- Percentage 58703
In the park, with an area of 1413 m2, there is a circular fountain with a diameter of 6 m. What percentage of the park does the fountain occupy?
- Sprinkler 48513
The rotary sprinkler's spray area is 20 m. What area of land can it irrigate from one location?
- Calculate 6930
Calculate the diameter of a circle whose area S = 78.5 cm².
- Described 4187
Find the area of the circle that is a) inscribed, b) described 6.32 cm square.
- Circumference 3589
Calculate the circle's radius if the circumference and area are in a 2:5 ratio.
- One-third 2872
The cycling racetrack has the shape of a circle with an area of 2 ha. How long will a cyclist drive one-third of a kilometer in a perimeter?
- Dodecagon
Find the area of a regular dodecagon (n=12) if the radius of the circumscribed circle is 5 cm.
- Cutting square
We cut the circle with the highest possible diameter from a square with a side of 30 cm. How many percent of the square area is this circle?
- Diameters of circles
How many percent of the area of a larger circle is a smaller circle if the smaller circle has a diameter of 120 mm and a larger one has a diameter of 300 mm?
- Percentage of waste
In a square plate with a side 75 cm, we cut four same circles. Calculate the percentage of waste.
- Quadrant II
Calculate the radius of the quadrant, which area is equal to the area of the circle with radius r = 15 cm.
- Pipeline
How much percent has the pipe cross-section area changed (reduced) if the circular shape is changed to square with the same perimeter?
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