Angle practice problems - page 8 of 60
an angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle.We measure the size of an angle in radians or degrees. 1 radian is a quantity that corresponds to the length of 1 arc of the unit circle. A straight angle has a size of 2π rad. In degrees, a full angle is 360°, a right angle is 180°, and a right angle is 90°. 1 degree has 60 degree minutes and one minute has 60 degree seconds.
Number of problems found: 1197
- The temperature 33
The temperature in Baguio City was 18.6 degrees Celsius, while in Tagaytay City was 22.5 degrees Celsius. What was the estimated difference between the two cities' temperatures? A. 6 degree celcius B. 5 degree celcius C. 4 degree celcius D. 3 degree celci
- Angles
In the triangle ABC, the ratio of angles is α:β = 4:5. The angle γ is 36°. How big are the angles α and β?
- Triangle P2
Can a triangle have two right angles?
- Revolutions 81906
How much energy was supplied by the flywheel of the device if its number of revolutions decreased from 1200 to 720 revolutions per minute if it has a moment of inertia of 71.3 kg/m²?
- Scalar dot product
Calculate u.v if |u| = 5, |v| = 2 and when the angle between the vectors u, v is: a) 60° b) 45° c) 120°
- Angle between vectors
Find the angle between the given vectors to the nearest tenth degree. u = (6, 22) and v = (10, -11)
- Black diamond run
Taleah is skiing down a black diamond run. She begins skiing at the top of a ski trail whose elevation is about 8625 feet. The ski run ends toward the base of the mountain at 3800 feet. The horizontal distance between these two points is about 4775 feet.
- Two groves
Two groves A and B are separated by a forest. Both are visible from the hunting grove C, which is connected to both by direct roads. What will be the length of the projected road from A to B if AC = 5004 m, BC = 2600 m, and angle ABC = 53° 45'?
- Altitude angles
Cities A, B, and C lie in one elevation plane. C is 50 km east of B, and B is north of A. C is deviated by 50° from A. The plane flies around places A, B, and C at the same altitude. When the aircraft is flying around B, its altitude angle to A is 12°. Fi
- Powerplant chimney
From the building window at the height of 7.5 m, we can see the top of the factory chimney at an altitude angle of 76° 30 ′. We can see the chimney base from the same place at a 5° 50 ′ depth angle. How tall is the chimney?
- Observation 82708
At the top of the hill, there is a 30-meter-high observation tower. We can see its heel and shelter from a certain point in the valley at elevation angles a=28°30" and b=30°40". How high is the top of the hill above the horizontal plane of the observation
- Horizontally 6296
The camera with a viewing angle of 120 ° was placed horizontally on the observatory at 30 m. What length d of the section at the tower's base can the camera not capture?
- Two boats
Two boats are located from a height of 150m above the lake's surface at depth angles of 57° and 39°. Find the distance of both boats if the sighting device and both ships are in a plane perpendicular to the lake's surface.
- Measurements 8129
The plane flies at an altitude of 22.5 km to the observatory. At the time of the first measurement, it was seen at an elevation angle of 28° and during the second measurement at an elevation angle of 50°. Calculate the distance it flies between these two
- Angles and sides of the triangle
Triangle ABC has a circumference of 26 cm. The sides' lengths are as follows: a = 11.2 cm; b = 6.5 cm. Arrange the interior angles according to their size.
- Altitude angle
In complete winds-free weather, the balloon took off and remained standing exactly above the place from which it took off. It is 250 meters away from us. How high did the balloon fly when we saw it at an altitude angle of 25°?
- Three pillars
On a straight road, three pillars are 6 m high at the same distance of 10 m. At what angle of view does Vlado see each pillar if it is 30 m from the first and his eyes are 1.8 m high?
- Aircraft
From the aircraft flying at an altitude of 500m, they observed places A and B (at the same altitude) in the direction of flight at depth angles alpha = 48° and beta = 35°. What is the distance between places A and B?
- Horizontal 83362
The observer sees the plane at an elevation angle of 35° (angle from the horizontal plane). At that moment, the plane reported an altitude of 4 km. How far from the observer is the place over which the aircraft flies? They circled for hundreds of meters.
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