New drink

Create a new drink can that will double the volume of the original can used. The dimensions of the can: 6cm diameter and 10cm height. You are to double the volume with the least amount of additional aluminum needed for the new can.

There are 3 options :

Option A: Create a wider can. This doubles the diameter while keeping the height the same.

Option B: Create a taller can. This doubles the height while keeping the diameter the same.

Option C creates twin identical cans. This simply packages two of the original-sized cans together with plastic.

Determine which 2 of the 3 options listed above does not meet the requirement of" doubling the volume with the least amount of additional aluminum."

Correct answer:

A =  603.1858 cm2
B =  433.5398 cm2
C =  490.0885 cm2

Step-by-step explanation:

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Tips for related online calculators
Tip: Our volume units converter will help you convert volume units.

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