Utopia Island

The probability of disease A on the island of Utopia is 40%. The probability of occurrence among the men of this island, which make up 60% of all the population (the rest are women), is 50%. What is the probability of occurrence of A disease among women on Utopia Island? Find the result in percent.

Correct answer:

p =  25 %

Step-by-step explanation:

p1=40%=10040=52=0.4 p2=60%=10060=53=0.6 p3=50%=10050=21=0.5  n=1000 m=p2 n=0.6 1000=600 z=nm=1000600=400  p3 m+(p/100) z=p1 n 0.5 600+(p/100) 400=0.4 1000  400p=10000  p=40010000=25  p=25=25%

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Showing 2 comments:
Math student
What are p ,m and z stand for

Dr Math
m = count of males
z = count of females (woman) = set to 100 (maybe choosen any number)
x = number of people that have a disease A
p = probability of occurrence of A disease among women

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