Tv dinner tray

I'm trying to calculate the total number of unique potential combinations, but I'm trying to solve for a TV dinner tray with four little sections each: meat, veggie, starch, and dessert. This is more complex because we have different types of meats/veggies/starches/desserts and even amounts of individual foods.

For instance, we have a fridge stocked with:
Meats: 5 chicken, 2 fish, 1 pork, 7 steak
Veggie: 8 broccoli, 2 kale, 5 carrot
Starch: 7 potatoes, 3 kinds of pasta, 2 rice, 3 yams
Desserts: 5 apple pies, 5 cherry pies, 5 ice creams

How can I calculate the unique combinations that are possible?

Correct answer:

n =  144

Step-by-step explanation:

n=4 3 4 3=144

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Tips for related online calculators
Would you like to compute the count of combinations?
See also our permutations calculator.
See also our variations calculator.

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