Circumference 5651

The iron roller has a base circumference of 28 π cm. The worker drilled a hole through the top of the roller. After drilling, the given product had a 35% smaller volume than before. The hole's circumference in the base is equal to the height of the roller.

Correct answer:

D2 =  22.5743 cm
S =  11698.9664 cm2

Step-by-step explanation:

o1=28π=28 3.141687.9646 cm r=o1/(2π)=87.9646/(2 3.1416)=14 cm D1=2 r=2 14=28 cm S1=π r2=3.1416 142615.7522 cm2 S2=(135/100) S1=(135/100) 615.7522400.2389 cm2 r2=S2/π=400.2389/3.141611.2872 cm D2=2 r2=2 11.2872=22.5743 cm
o2=2π r2=2 3.1416 11.287270.9193 cm h=o2=70.919370.9193 cm S3=o1 h=87.9646 70.91936238.3895 cm2 S4=o2 h=70.9193 70.91935029.5504 cm2 S=S3+S4+2 S12 S2=6238.3895+5029.5504+2 615.75222 400.2389=11698.9664 cm2

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