Subtract 4

Subtract the following decimals.
a. 0.98 - 0.053
b. 0.67 - 0.4
c. 0.3 - 0.002
d. 3.2 - .789
e. 6.53 - 4.298
f. 6 - 4.32
g. 7 - 3.574
h. 4.83 - 1.8
i. 3.7 - 1.8
j. 16.17 - 11.632

Correct answer:

a =  0.927
b =  0.27
c =  0.298
d =  2.411
e =  2.232
f =  1.68
g =  3.426
h =  3.03
i =  1.9
j =  4.538

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