Diver and pressure

Determine the pressures exposed to a diver without a suit at a depth of 15 meters, with a small space suit at a depth of 25 meters, and a massive suit at 70 meters in water.

Correct answer:

p1 =  147.15 kPa
p2 =  245.25 kPa
p3 =  686.7 kPa

Step-by-step explanation:

r=1000 g=9.81 p1=r g 15/1000=1000 9.81 15/1000=147.15 kPa
p2=r g 25/1000=1000 9.81 25/1000=245.25 kPa
p3=r g 70/1000=1000 9.81 70/1000=686.7 kPa

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