Angles of a hexagon

Find the interior angles of a hexagon if the sizes of the angles form an arithmetic sequence and the smallest angle is 70°.

Correct answer:

A =  70 °
B =  90 °
C =  110 °
D =  130 °
E =  150 °
F =  170 °

Step-by-step explanation:

s=180 (62)=720  A+B+C+D+E+F = s A+(A+d)+ (A+2d)+(A+3d)+(A+4d)+(A+5d) = s 6A+15d=s=720  d=15s6 A=157206 70=20  B=A+d=70+20=90
F=E+d=150+20=170=170   Verifying Solution:  s2=A+B+C+D+E+F=70+90+110+130+150+170=720 

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