Remuneration 2741

The three workers were to share the remuneration of 410 euros according to their performance in working together. Thus: A: B = 4:3 and B: C = 5:2. Advise them on how to distribute the reward fairly.

Correct answer:

A =  200
B =  150
C =  60

Step-by-step explanation:


A+B+C = 410
3A-4B = 0
2B-5C = 0

Pivot: Row 1 ↔ Row 2
3A-4B = 0
A+B+C = 410
2B-5C = 0

Row 2 - 1/3 · Row 1 → Row 2
3A-4B = 0
2.333B+C = 410
2B-5C = 0

Row 3 - 2/2.33333333 · Row 2 → Row 3
3A-4B = 0
2.333B+C = 410
-5.857C = -351.429

C = -351.42857143/-5.85714286 = 60
B = 410-C/2.33333333 = 410-60/2.33333333 = 150
A = 0+4B/3 = 0+4 · 150/3 = 200

A = 200
B = 150
C = 60

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