Discounting 26971

The original price of the product was 2.55 euros, the price after the discount is 1.99. Find out:
a/What % of the original price is the price after the discount
b/How much % of the new price is the original price of the product
c/o How much % did the product get cheaper
d/by how much % is the original price higher than the price after discounting

Correct answer:

p1 =  78.0392 %
p2 =  128.1407 %
p3 =  21.9608 %
p4 =  28.1407 %

Step-by-step explanation:

a=2.55 Eur b=1.99 Eur  p1=100 ab=100 2.551.99=513980%=78.0392%
p2=100 ba=100 1.992.55=128.1407%
p3=100 aab=100 2.552.551.99=511120%=21.9608%
p4=100 bab=100 1.992.551.99=1995600%=28.1407%

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