The game of blind man's buff

The Slovak levy system makes gross wage deductions for your pay state employees. It has two components—part employee pays and part paid by the employer. Suppose that the super gross wage is paid 21% employer. After deducting these contributions, we receive gross wages. From it, get off an additional 11%, and the employee receives a net salary. If the super-gross wage (total labor cost) is 1212 Euros, calculate gross and net wages.

Correct answer:

h =  957.48 Eur
c =  852.16 Eur

Step-by-step explanation:

r1=100%21%=110021=0.79  h=1212 r1=1212 0.79=957.48 Eur
r2=100%11%=110011=0.89  c=h r2=957.48 0.89=852.16 Eur

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