Branches 18533

The right triangle has an area of 225 cm2. One of its branches is twice the size of the other. Find the lengths of its hangers.

Correct answer:

a =  30 cm
b =  15 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

S=225 cm2 S = 2ab a=2b 2 S = a  a/2  a2=4 S=4 225=900  a=2 S=2 225=30 cm
b=a/2=30/2=15 cm

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Tips for related online calculators
Are you looking for help with calculating roots of a quadratic equation?
Do you have a linear equation or system of equations and are looking for its solution? Or do you have a quadratic equation?
See also our right triangle calculator.
See also our trigonometric triangle calculator.

We encourage you to watch this tutorial video on this math problem: video1

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