Car down

Sarah buys a car costing $12,500. It depreciates value by 8% in the first year, 10% in the second year, and 5% in the third year. Calculate the value of a car after the third year.

Correct answer:

x =  9832.5

Step-by-step explanation:

x0=12500 USD x1=(11008) x0=(11008) 12500=11500 USD x2=(110010) x1=(110010) 11500=10350 USD x3=(11005) x2=(11005) 10350=219665=983221=9832.5 USD  x=x3=219665=983221=9832.5

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Dr Math
The original question was:

Calculate what percent is the sales tax.

Answer: I now cannot calculate any tax due I don't know your tax law codes etc.etc....

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