Big factorial

How many zeros end number 324!?

Correct answer:

x =  78

Step-by-step explanation:

324! = 22889 9746017910 2321149336 9052955574 3502759130 8319402791 7457973742 8215618606 2320571589 1501131022 4424298630 0009436193 5346509491 9014819474 8921030283 9950075088 7936357373 7859078005 1981610128 3768198080 4626750229 2621825588 9939361916 7909961173 1083123853 2981176371 3130041383 9771596269 7117705131 3150828509 1192172949 8202026766 9840809234 4316787319 9185244441 8904180989 3073046303 1745773232 5329870391 6046357214 7422912663 7136360233 0490512843 5470198096 8925516735 2371917962 1110831919 4661259209 6318623171 7211640527 6082961469 6580315288 4289551850 0542918891 7608474076 4997510553 5160395106 4286352637 0578934527 7128799682 5600000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000

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