Greatest common factor calculator
What is GCF?
The greatest common factor (gcf), or highest common factor (hcf), of two or more integers (at least one of which is not zero), is the largest positive integer that divides the numbers without a remainder. It is the highest number that divides exactly into two or more numbers. It is the "greatest" thing for simplifying fractions. The greatest common factor is useful for reducing fractions to be in lowest terms.
Questions and word problems to GCF
- Neither 4182
Hanka gave Simon a riddle: guess a pair of numbers whose GCD is 7, and LCM is 90. Katy wanted Šimon to guess such a pair for which GCD is 7, and LCM is 91. Which riddle could Šimon guess? A: Katy B: Hankina C: neither D: Both
- Reminder and quotient
There are given the number C = 281, D = 201. Find the highest natural number S so that the C:S and D:S are with the remainder of 1.
- Plumber
The plumber had to cut the metal strip with dimensions of 380 cm and 60 cm to the largest squares to no waste. Calculate the length of the sides of a square. How many squares cut it?
- Granddaughter 2789
Grandma and her granddaughter Barunka have a birthday on the same day. During six consecutive birthday celebrations, Grandma's age was always divisible by Barunka's age. How many birthdays did Grandma celebrate at the last of these six celebrations? Grand
- Decompose 3076
Decompose into primes and find the greatest divisor of the pair of numbers D (84.70).
- On Children's
On Children's Day, the organizers bought 252 chewing gums, 396 candies, and 108 lollipops. They want to make as many of the same packages as possible. Advise them what to put in each package and how many packages they can make this way.
- Determine 8611
Determine all natural numbers A and B pairs for which the sum of twice the least common multiple and three times the greatest common divisor of natural numbers A and B is equal to their product.
- The classroom
The classroom is 9 meters long. Its width is smaller and can be passed in equally long steps of 55 CM or 70 CM. Find the width of the classroom.
- HCF and LCM equation
The LCM of two numbers is 20 times their HCF and (LCM+HCF)=2520. If one number is 480, what will be the triple of another number?
- Decompose
Decompose into primes and find the smallest common multiple n of (16,20) and the largest common divisor D of the pair of numbers (140,100)
- Matemakak 9432
The cookbook by Matěj Matemakak says: The greatest common divisor of flour weight and sugar weight is 15, the greatest common divisor of sugar weight and lemon peel weight is 6, the product of sugar weight and lemon peel weight is 1800, and the smallest c
- Mathematics 6522
There are more than 20 but less than 40 students in the class. A third of the pupils wrote the mathematics test with a one, a sixth with a two, and a ninth with a three. Nobody got a four. How many students in the class wrote the test on a five?
- MO C–I–1 2018
An unknown number is divisible by just four numbers from the set {6, 15, 20, 21, 70}. Determine which ones.
- Children's home
Nicholas gave the children's home 54 oranges, 81 chocolate figurines, and 135 apples as gifts. Every child received the same gift, and nothing was left. a) How many packages could be prepared? b) what did the children find in the package?
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