Variations - practice problems - page 8 of 15
Number of problems found: 295
- Cube construction
A 2×2×2 cube will be constructed using four white and four black unit cube. How many different cubes can be constructed in this way? ( Two cubes are not different if one can be obtained by rotating the other. )
- Boys and girls
There are 20 boys and ten girls in the class. How many different dance pairs can we make of them?
- Year 2020
The four-digit number divided by 2020 gives a result of 1, **. (Can not be in form 1,*0. ) Write all the options.
- Two groups
The group of 10 girls should be divided into two groups with at least four girls in each group. How many ways can this be done?
- Vice-chairman 10181
The committee consists of 6 men and four women. How many ways can the chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, and manager be chosen so that a chairman is a man and the vice-chairman is a woman?
- Graduation party
There were 15 boys and 12 girls at the graduation party. Determine how many four couples can be selected.
- Probability 8801
We roll two different dice. What is the probability that a pair of even numbers will fall?
- Possibilities 8450
There are 11 pupils in the group, among them just one Martin. How many possibilities are there for distributing 4 different books to these pupils if each is to receive at most one and Martin just one of these books".
- Probability 8419
What is the probability that when dealing cards after 4, in the game Quartet (eight of fours), we will get the whole quartet?
- Participants 8335
How many ways can you be rewarded in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place? What is the prize for 15 participants in the competition?
- Third-class 8334
If we add one element to set A, the number of third-class variations increases two times. How many elements did the set initially contain?
- Variations 8333
How many elements do we create 90 variations of 2 classes without repeating elements?
- One three
We throw two dice. What is the probability that number three falls maximally once?
- Repetition 8329
How many 5-digit numbers without repetition have the last digit two smaller than the previous one?
- Triangles 8306
Find out how many triangles you create from lines 7 dm, 5 dm, 10 dm, 12 dm, and 15 dm long.
- Possibilities 8237
How many different possibilities exist for settling friends A, B, C, D, E, and F in six seats if A wants to sit next to C?
- Bookshelf and books
How many ways can we place seven books on a bookshelf?
- 4-digit 8231
How many 4-digit numeric pin codes can be created so that not all four digits are identical?
- A jackpot
How many times must I play this jackpot to win? A jackpot of seven games having (1 X 2), i.e., home win or away win.
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