Maths practice for 14 year olds - page 310 of 312
Number of problems found: 6239
- Discounts on rail (ZSSK)
The railway company ZSSK offers a discount of 15% (REGIONAL) for 5 Eur/year. Calculate the real discount rate as a percentage, where passengers will travel 19 Eur per week.
- Elections
In elections, candidates 10 political parties. Calculate how many possible ways the elections can finish if two parties do not get the same number of votes.
- Confectionery
The village markets have 5 kinds of sweets. One weighs 31 grams. How many different ways can a customer buy 1.519 kg sweets?
- Chords
How many 4-tones chords (chord = at the same time sounding different tones) is possible to play within 7 tones?
- Sphere A2V
The surface of the sphere is 241 mm². What is its volume?
- Sphere fall
How much percent fall volume of a sphere if the diameter decreases 3×?
- Sphere growth
How many times does a volume of the sphere rise if priemer rises 10×?
- 2nd class variations
From how many elements can you create 5112 variations of the second class?
- Football league
In the 5th football league is 10 teams. How many ways can be filled first, second, and third place?
- Floating barrel
The barrel (cylinder shape) floats on water, the top of the barrel is 8 dm above water, and the width of the surfaced barrel part is 23 dm. The barrel length is 24 dm. Calculate the volume of the barrel.
- Circle arc
The circle segment has a circumference of 135.26 dm and 2096.58 dm² area. Calculate the radius of the circle and the size of the central angle.
- 3y inflation
The price of the cookie rise in the first year by 2%, the second year fell by 6%, and in the third year increased by 17%. Calculate the average annual increase in the price of the cookie.
- Inflation
Once upon a time, the tsar owned a money printer and printed and printed. Printing money prices went up in the first year 2.7 %, in the second 2.1%, in the third 3.6%, and in the fourth 5.4%. Then tsar failed in the election. Calculate the average annual
- Circles
Three circles of radius 30 cm, 28 cm, and 37 cm are mutually tangent. What is the triangle perimeter whose vertices are the circles' centers?
- Triangle ABC
Right triangle ABC with right angle at the C, |BC|=19, |AB|=26. Calculate the height of the triangle hAB to the side AB.
- Two doctors
Doctor A will determine the correct diagnosis with a probability of 89% and doctor B with a probability of 75%. Calculate the probability of proper diagnosis if both doctors diagnose the patient.
- Monkey
The monkey fell into 20 meters deep well. Every day it climbs 3 meters, at night it drops back by 2 m. On what day it gets out from the well?
- Clocks
How long will a path of the end of the clock's minute-hand long 23 cm for 340 minutes? How long will we walk at the same time hour-hand?
- Kites
Boys run kites on a cable of 68 meters long. What is the kite altitude if the angle from the horizontal plane is 72°?
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