Maths practice for 14 year olds - page 303 of 312
Number of problems found: 6238
- Trains for people
It is said that the train is synonymous to delay. Calculate the average travel speed by train long 85 km, with a regular train leaving at 7:00 and arriving at 8:18, but the train is late and has a departure at 8:10 and arrives at 9:27.
- Work
Workers work five days a week and have 28 days of vacation a year. Calculate how many days is out of work and express it as a percentage. Consider that a year has 52 weeks.
- Discount
The ladies' sweater was twice discounted. First, it will be calculated by 8%, then by 8% of the new price. Its final price was 66 €. Determine the sweater's original price.
- Permill
How many permills is 978 from 84370?
- Four pupils
Four pupils divided euro 634 so that the second received 30% less than the first, the third 1/5 less than a fourth, and the fourth euro 95 less than the first. How much money had each of them?
- Motion
From two different locations, the distance 232 km started against the car and bus. The car started at 7:10 with an average speed of 74 km/h. The bus started at 8:40 with an average speed of 48 km/h. When did they meet? How many kilometers did the bus take
- Cuboid
Cuboid with edge a=6 cm and space diagonal u=31 cm has volume V=900 cm³. Calculate the length of the other edges.
- Radius
Determine the circle's radius if its perimeter and area are the same numbers.
- Trapezoid
Are diagonals in a rectangular trapezoid perpendicular and bisect the angles?
- Proof PT
Can you easily prove Pythagoras' theorem using Euclidean theorems? If so, do it.
- Newton's task
Grass grows in the meadow equally fast and evenly. It is known that 99 cows graze meadow for 14 days and 95 cows by 22 days. How many cows graze the meadow for 77 days?
- Divisors
Find all divisors of number 432. How many are there?
- Wire D
Wire length 1 m is bent to form a semicircle circuit (including the diameter). Determine the radius of the semicircle.
- Estate
Semicircle estate must be a fence. The straight section has a 32 meters long fence. How many meters of the fence should we buy?
- Square 2
Points D[10,-8] and B[4,5] are opposed vertices of the square ABCD. Calculate the area of the square ABCD.
- Square
Points A[9,9] and B[-4,1] are adjacent vertices of the square ABCD. Calculate the area of the square ABCD.
- Gimli Glider
Aircraft Boeing 767 lose both engines at 42000 feet. The plane captain maintains optimum gliding conditions. Every minute, lose 1910 feet and maintain constant speed 211 knots. Calculate how long it takes for a plane to hit the ground from engine failure.
- Triangle TBC
TBC is an isosceles triangle with base TB with base angle 63° and legs length |TC| = |BC| = 25. How long is the base TB?
- Cubes
One cube is an inscribed sphere, and the other one is described. Calculate the difference of volumes of cubes if the difference of surfaces in 231 cm².
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