Maths practice for 14 year olds - page 294 of 315
Number of problems found: 6287
- Combinatorics
The city has 7 fountains. Works only 6. How many options are there that can squirt?
- Flowerbed
The flowerbed has the shape of an obtuse isosceles triangle. The arm has a size of 5.5 meters, and an angle opposite the base size is 94°. What is the distance from the base to the opposite vertex?
- Bases
The length of the bases trapezium is in ratio 4:5. The length of the midline is 15. How long are the bases of a trapezoid?
- Racer
The first racer runs at a speed 22 m/s and is 880 meters before the finish and ahead 68 meters before the second competitor. At what speed must the second racer run to catch the first racer at the finish line?
- Tram
In the three-part tram went 206 passengers in front of others, 226 after others and in the middle half. How many passengers went on the tram in total?
- TV commercials
For the typical one-hour prime-time television slot, the number of minutes of commercials is 3/8 of the actual program's minutes. Determine how many minutes of the program are shown in that one hour.
- Circle section
An equilateral triangle with side 33 is an inscribed circle section whose center is in one of the triangle's vertices, and the arc touches the opposite side. Calculate: a) the length of the arc b) the ratio between the circumference to the circle sector a
- Trains
From station 130 km away started passenger train and after 2.7 hours after the express train, which travels 20 km an hour more. Express train finish journey 12 minutes early. Calculate the average speed of these two trains.
- Round table
A round table with a diameter d = 105 cm is coated by a square tablecloth with a side length 121 cm. About how many cm is the higher center of the tablecloth than its corners?
- Fire tank
The whole fire tank was discharged once in 4 days, first out by a second in $n day. Once firefighters pumped out 4/16 of water from the tank, they let the water flow out both drains. How long does it take to empty the tank?
- Prism X
The prism with the edges of the lengths x cm, 2x cm, and 3x cm has a volume 29478 cm³. What is the area of the surface of the prism?
- Painter Pavel
Painter Pavel painted the fence for 16 hours, and painter Petr painted the same fence for 13 h. How long should it take to paint the fence together?
- Cable car 2
The cable car rises at an angle of 16° and connects the upper and lower station with an altitude difference of 1082 m. How long is the cable car's track?
- Semicircle
The semicircle with center S and the diameter AB is constructed equilateral triangle SBC. What is the magnitude of the angle ∠SAC?
- Tower
The top of the tower is a regular hexagonal pyramid with a base edge 6.1 meters long and a height 11.7 meters. How many m² of the sheet is required to cover the top of the tower? We must add 9% of metal for waste.
- House roof
The house's roof is a regular quadrangular pyramid with a base edge 17 m. If the roof pitch is 57° and we calculate 11% of waste, connections, and overlapping of the area roof, how much m² is needed to cover the roof?
- Trapezoid ABCD
Calculate the perimeter of trapezoid ABCD if we know the side c=12, b=19, which is also a height, and side d=32.
- Sector
The perimeter of a circular sector with an angle 1.8 rad is 64 cm. Determine the radius of the circle from which the sector comes.
- Flowerbed
On the flowerbed were planted 280 flowers - pansies and crayons during the first week, wilts quarter of pansies and an eighth crayons, which is 20% of all flowers. How many pansies were planted on the flowerbed?
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