Maths practice for 14 year olds - page 288 of 318
Number of problems found: 6344
- Repair company
The company repairs cars. On the first day, repair half of the contract; on the second day, half of the rest; and on the third day 8 residue cars. How many total cars did the company repair?
- The city
At the end of 2010, the city had 248000 residents. The population increased by 2.5% each year. What is the population at the end of 2013?
- Triangular pyramid
A perpendicular regular triangular pyramid is given: base side a = 5 cm, height v = 8 cm, volume V = 28.8 cm³. What is its area (surface area)?
- Percentage of waste
In a square plate with a side 75 cm, we cut four same circles. Calculate the percentage of waste.
- Concentric circles
In the circle with diameter, 13 cm is constructed chord 1 cm long. Calculate the radius of a concentric circle that touches this chord.
- Circle and hexagon
Calculate the radius of a circle whose circumference is 8.4 cm longer than the inscribed regular hexagon's circumference.
- Again saw
We have a sculpture beam from the tree trunk with a rectangular cross-section with dimensions 91 mm and 87 mm. What is the trunk's smallest diameter?
- Balls
The urn is eight white and six black balls. We pull four random balls. What is the probability that among them will be two white?
- Train from Brno
The first train started from Brno at 8 AM at 60 km per hour. The second train started from Opava at 7 o'clock at 40 kilometers per hour. In how many hours and how far from cities do trains meet when the distance between cities is 200 kilometers?
- Parking
One hundred twenty vehicles are parked in the morning. Passenger car is charged 20 CZK and 50 CZK per bus. The guard collected for parking 2640 CZK in total. How many cars and buses stood in the parking?
- Bevel
I have a bevel in the ratio 1:6. What is the angle, and how do I calculate it?
- Digging companies
Company A would dig a pit for 12 days, company B for 15 days, company C for 20 days, and company D for 24 days. Work began with companies C and D, but after three days, They joined the other two companies. How long did it take to dig a pit?
- Seamstress 2
The seamstress bought two kinds of textile in whole meters. One at 50 SKK and the second at 70 SKK per meter. How many meters were bought from these two textiles when paid 1540 SKK totally?
- Seamstress
The seamstress bought two kinds of textile together 25 meters. One at 50 SKK and the second at 70 SKK per meter. How many meters were purchased from these two textiles when paid 1540 SKK?
- Three men
Alex is half younger than Jan, which is one-third younger than George. The sum of their ages is 48. How are these three men old?
- Eva
When Eva bought eight packages of cookies, 4 CZK left her. If she wanted to buy ten packages, she would have to borrow 20 CZK. How much money does Eva have in her wallet?
- RT and ratio
A right triangle whose legs are in a ratio 6:12 has a hypotenuse 68 m long. How long are its legs?
- Circles
In the circle with a radius, 7.5 cm is constructed of two parallel chords whose lengths are 9 cm and 12 cm. Calculate the distance of these chords (if there are two possible solutions, write both).
- Ski lessons
The ski course attends 80 pupils. They live in triple and quadruple rooms. Count if rooms are the 23. How many are triple and quadruple rooms?
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