Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 306 of 307
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6137
- Density - simple example
Material of density of 1189 kg/m³ occupies a container volume of 64 cm³. What is its mass?
- Circle arc
The circle segment has a circumference of 135.26 dm and 2096.58 dm² area. Calculate the radius of the circle and the size of the central angle.
- Insurance
The house owner is insured against natural disasters and pays 0.05% annually of the value of the house 88 Eur. Calculate the value of the house. Calculate the probability of disaster if you know that 50% of the insurance is to pay damages.
- Garden
Trapezoid garden has parallel sides 19 m and 24 m. Its area is 193.5 square meters. What is the width of the garden?
- Rectangular trapezoid
How many inner right angles have a rectangular trapezoid?
- Present
The gift box has a rectangular shape with dimensions of 8×8×3 cm. Miloslav wants to cover it with square paper with sides of 18 cm. How much paper was left to him?
- Monkey
The monkey fell into 20 meters deep well. Every day it climbs 3 meters, at night it drops back by 2 m. On what day it gets out from the well?
- Mine
The wheel in the traction tower has a diameter of 4 m. How many meters will perform an elevator cabin if the wheel rotates in the same direction 89 times?
- Clocks
How long will a path of the end of the clock's minute-hand long 23 cm for 340 minutes? How long will we walk at the same time hour-hand?
- Kites
Boys run kites on a cable of 68 meters long. What is the kite altitude if the angle from the horizontal plane is 72°?
- Shape
The plane shape has a maximum area 677 mm². Calculate its perimeter if the perimeter is the smallest possible.
- Maximum area of rhombus
Calculate the interior angles at which the equilateral rhombus has a maximum area.
- Lunch for free
Gastro tickets are "free," so they should be retained. Many employees in Slovakia approve of free goods, such as a free gastro ticket per day of work. The company issuing gastro tickets receives a 4.9% fee on the total amount of money spent on tickets. Ca
- Number ratio
Calculate two positive numbers. Its ratio is 6:18, and difference was 372.
- Farmer
The farmer is farming 293 ha of arable land, and the remaining 20% are meadows and pastures. How much land does the farmer own?
- Rhombus HP
Calculate the area of the rhombus with height 75 cm and perimeter 16 cm.
- Drunk man
The drunk man has 2.6‰ of alcohol in his blood. How many grams of alcohol has in his blood if he has 5 kg of blood?
- Cube wall
The surface of the first cube wall is 64 m². The second cube area is 40% of the surface of the first cube. Find the length of the edge of the second cube (x).
- Scientists from the Social Insurance
Aaron became on sick leave, and social insurance granted him sick leave of 13.8211695 EUR per day. Calculate the number of days to save Aaron from rolling in the price of 0.1 Eur if they postpone the amount of the last decimal place of his sickness every
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