Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 285 of 301
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6002
- Goods
To the market is introducing a new product, the first week is sold at a reduced price. 8 products are sold at an entry price same as 5 products at the normal price. How many percent is the reduced price less than the current price for this product?
- Pizza
Pizza with a diameter of 40 cm weights 409 g. What diameter will a pizza weigh 764 g made from the same cloth (same thickness) and decorated?
- Slope RR
A line has a rise of 2 and a run of 11. What is the slope?
- Leveling
Calculate how many we must purchase 25 kg bags of leveling concrete if we level room 19 m² to the "height" 11 mm if consumption is 1.7 kg per square meter and millimeter thickness.
- 6-gon
The perimeter of a regular hexagon is 113. Calculate its circumradius (radius of a circumscribed circle).
- Well
A rope with a bucket is fixed on the shaft with the wheel. The shaft has a diameter of 50 cm. How many meters will drop bucket when the wheels turn 15 times?
- Tachometer
Tatra's tachometer shows the initial state 886123 km this morning. Today, Tatra travels at an average speed of 44 km/h. Determine the function that describes the Tatra's tachometer depending on the time. What is the state of the tachometer after 4 hours?
- Alcohol 2
Two types of alcohol, one 46% and second 64%, give 16 liters of 54% alcohol. How many liters of each type are in the mixture?
- Knight
Knight passed 36 km long track in 144 minutes. What was his average speed?
- Price reduction
The price of the camera is 654 USD on sale. They reduced its price to 411 USD. Calculate the percentage reduction in the price of the camera.
- New refrigerator
The new refrigerator sells for 836 Euro. Monday will be 25% discount. How much will Euro save, and what will be the price?
252 miles a week fills up twice a week. Each fill is 38 gallons. What is the gas mileage of the car?
- Double percent
What is 40% of 80% of 11800?
- Complementary angles
Two angles are complementary. If one angle measures 10°, what is the measure of the second angle?
- Diameter
If the endpoints of the diameter of a circle are A(-9, 10) and B (-5, -4), what is the circle's radius?
- EQL triangle
Calculate the inradius and circumradius of an equilateral triangle with side a=77 cm.
- Flowerbed 2
Around the square flower bed in a park is a sidewalk about 2 m wide. The area of this sidewalk is 243 m². What is the area of the flowerbed?
- Trapezoid ABCD v2
Trapezoid ABCD has a length of bases in ratio 3:10. The area of triangle ACD is 825 dm². What is the area of trapezoid ABCD?
- The professor's birthday
Professor of mathematics had 44 birthdays. The director congratulated him. The professor asked the director: "And how old are you?" The director replied: "I'm exactly twice as many years as you were when I was old as to you today." How old is the director
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