Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 282 of 300
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6000
- Conference
148 is the total number of employees. 22 employees attended the conference. How much is it in percent?
- Paul and Honza
Honza went to chat on a bike without a break 4.0 hours. Paul went the same way without breaks 50 minutes longer. The difference between the speeds of the two boys was one kilometer per hour. How fast was Paul if you know that the boys' speed did not chang
- Wheel
What is the wheel diameter if the 0.57 km track turns 106 times?
- Climb in percentage
The height difference between points A and B is 475 m. Calculate the percentage of route climbing if the horizontal distance between places A and B is 7.4 km.
- The body
The body on the figure consists of cubes with an edge length of 10 cm. What surface has this body?
- Enterprise and wages
The enterprise operates a total 162 workers, and their average salary is M dollars. If the company has hired an additional 18 employee whose average wage would be the S dollars, it will reduce the overall average salary by 3.6%. Calculate the value of the
- Family and age ratios
The age of father and son is in the ratio 10:3; the age of father and daughter is in the ratio 5:2. How old are father and son if the daughter is 20? In what ratio is the age of sister and brother?
- One and a half chicken
One and a half chicken bears one and a half eggs in one and a half days. How many eggs can withstand from 15 chicken in 15 days?
- Turtles Žofka and Julka
Gray wolf kept in his tent turtles Žofka and Julka together for 200 years. After 50 years, Julka will be two times older than Žofka. How old are the turtles?
- Crown
Siblings collect 2-crowns and 5-crowns. Together, have 80 coins with a total value of 310 crowns. How many saved two crowns, and how many five crowns?
- The percentages in practice
If every tenth apple on the tree is rotten, it can be expressed by percentages: 10% of the apples on the tree are rotten. Tell percent using the following information: a. in June rained six days b, increase worker pay from 500 euros to 50 euros c, grabbed
- Jan
Jan is 13 years old, and Peter is 21 years old. How many years will their age be in the ratio of 7:9?
- Tiles
The hall has dimensions 250 × 200 dm. What is the largest size of square tiles that can be tiled throughout the hall, and how many do we need?
- Parallelogram
The perimeter of the parallelogram is 190 cm. The length of one side is 1.3-times longer than the length of the shorter side. What is the length of the sides of a parallelogram?
- Chicken
I threw three chickens for a handful of grains, and I noticed that they ate in a ratio of 8:7:6, and two of them grabbed 156 grains. How many grains have fought that chicken?
- Deposit 3
After a year, Martin had a bank account € 1559. What was the interest rate when the initial deposit was € 1409?
- Sprayers
The vineyard can be sprayed first sprayer in 2 hours and with the second in 4 hours. How long would it take if we used sprayers both at once?
- Seven-segmet
Lenka is amused that he punched a calculator (seven-segment display) number and used only digits 2 to 9. Some numbers have the property that She again gave their image in the axial or central symmetry some number. Determine the maximum number of three-dig
- Trousers
Jarek bought new trousers, but the trousers were too long. Their length was in the ratio of 5:8 to Jarek's height. The mother cut his trousers by 4 cm. Thus, the original ratio decreased by 4%. Determine Jarek's high.
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