Maths practice for 12-year-olds - page 273 of 303
Examples and word math problems for 7th grade.Number of problems found: 6050
- Snow
Snow fell overnight, a layer of thickness 19 cm. I had to clear a path 69 m long and one meter wide in the morning. How many cubic meters of snow did I clear? How many kilos was it? (1 m³ fresh snow weighs 350 kg)
- Stone
When Peter threw a stone in a water box, he discovered that the water level had risen by 6 cm. The box has a cuboid shape, the bottom has dimensions of 24 cm and 14 cm, height is 40 cm. What volume has a stone?
- Borrowed book
Jane must, as soon as possible, return a borrowed book. She figured that reading 15 pages a day return the book in time. Then she read 18 pages a day and then returned the book one day before. How many pages should a book have?
- Three Titanics
Three steamers sailed from the same port on the same day. The first came back on the third, the fourth 4th day, and the third returned on the sixth. How many days after leaving, the steamers meet again in the harbor?
- Cuboids in cube
How many can cuboids with dimensions of 6 cm, 8 cm, and 12 cm fit into a cube with a side of 96 centimeters?
- Concrete box
The concrete box with walls thick 6 cm has the following external dimensions: length 1.6 m, width 39 cm, and height 32 cm. How many liters of soil can fit if I fill it to the brim?
- Cube 3
How many times will increase the volume of a cube if we double the length of its edge?
- Cube 2
How many times will increase if the surface area of the cube if we triple the length of its edge?
- Cube
How many times increases the surface area of a cube with an edge 23.4 cm if the length of the edge doubles?
- Water pool
What is the water level in the pool-shaped cuboid with bottom dimensions of 25 m and 10 meters? When is 3750hl water in the pool?
- Painter
How many euros will we pay for repainting the room-shaped cuboid with a length of 4.5 meters, a width of 2.5 meters and a height of 3 meters, if for one m² with paint, we pay € 1.5?
- Soil pit
Workers dug a pit cube with an edge of 2.5 meters. How many cars shall remove soil if the car suddenly takes 4 m³ of soil?
- Motion 2
At 10 o'clock started car from place A at speed at 90 km/h, twenty minutes after starting another car from place B at a 60 km/h speed. The distance between places A and B is 120 kilometers. What time and where do they meet?
- Vacation
Parents are piggybacking their children on vacation to their grandmother and grandfather in a city that is 150 kilometers away. They agreed to meet halfway. Parents will travel at 90 km/h, and grandmother and grandfather will travel at 60 km/h. Parents de
- Cars motion
From A point car starts at the speed of 90 km/h. Against it departs from point B at the same time another car at 60 km/h. How long and where do they meet if the distance between A and B is 180 km?
- Unknown number
Samuel wrote the unknown number. Then he had to add 200000 to the number, and the result was multiplied by three. When it was calculated, he was surprised because he would have received the result if he had written the digit to the end of the original num
- Base, percents, value
The base is 344084, which is 100 %. How many percent is 384177?
- Three friends
Divide 570 euros among three friends so that the first gets 50 euros less than the second and the third twice more than the first. How many euros will everyone get?
- Infirmary
Two-thirds of the children from the infirmary went on a trip, a seventh went to bathe, and 40 children remained in the gym. How many children were treated in the infirmary?
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