Maths practice for 10 year olds - last page
Number of problems found: 1130
- Angle
Draw angle |∠ ABC| = 30° and build its axis. What angle is between the axis angle and arm of angle?
- School
27 students of 6.D class are going on a trip. They pay 9 € each. The teacher got 153 €. How many children have not paid?
- Train
The train passes part of the line for 95 minutes at a speed of 75 km/h. What speed would you have to go to shorten the driving time of 20 minutes?
- Father and son
Father and son are 74 years old together. The son is 30 years younger than the father. How old is the son?
- Trio
20 children lined up in groups of three. How many children did not create a trio?
- Collective irresponsibility
On the Internet, time is very uncomfortable for the state that no more gaffes or waste is no longer possible to hush up as if people were at home with only two television channels censored. An example of the effectiveness of the state can be Bridge at Kom
- Monkey
The monkey fell into 20 meters deep well. Every day it climbs 3 meters, at night it drops back by 2 m. On what day it gets out from the well?
- Circles
For the circle c1(S1; r1=109 cm) and c2(S2; r2 = 152 cm) is distance of centers |S1S2| = 261 cm. Determine the distance between the circles.
- Playground
The rectangular playground is fenced with 38 m long netting. Its width is 7 m. Calculate its length.
We apologize, but in this category are not a lot of examples.
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