Maths practice for 10 year olds - page 36 of 57
Number of problems found: 1127
- Kindergarten 5336
Mr. Štědrý owns a store with designer clothes, and since Christmas is approaching, he has given the supplies to the kindergarten. He donated 54 pairs of pants, 81 pieces of T-shirts, and 135 pairs of socks. Every child got everything the same. How many ch
- Equation algebraogram
Solve the equation: oco + ivo = cita How much has the task of solutions?
- Circumference 5331
The largest linden in Bohemia is the Vejdová lime tree in the Orlické Mountains, with a circumference of 14 meters and 140 centimeters. What trunk circumference does this linden tree have in decimetres?
- Three-kilogram 5330
In the orchard, they peeled 2650 kg of peaches and 1479 kg of apricots. They packed peaches in five-kilogram boxes and apricots in three-kilogram boxes. How many crates did they need for all the peaches and apricots?
- Cords joining
Mum needs six cords 360cm long. How many does she need when they are sold at 9 meters and does not want to join it up?
- Product of the sum and difference
Calculate the product of the sum and difference of numbers -7 and -2.
- Divisions 5272
Find out where the flea jumps if it jumps from the number: A) -17 by 28 pieces towards larger numbers. B) from the number -9 by 16 divisions towards smaller digits
- Deducted 5271
Marta owed Eve € 685. Eva deducted this debt value as Marta bought her a shelf for € 160. How much debt did Marte have?
- Temperature 5259
The television tree frog announced such a forecast the following day. At six o'clock in the morning, we expect a temperature of -3°C, but during the day, it will warm up to 11°C. Determine what maximum temperature we can expect the next day according to t
- Ten fractions
Write ten fractions between 1/3 and 2/3
- Three-digit 5226
How many different three-digit natural numbers can be created so that the digits are different and the last digit is 0?
- Clay
How many cubic centimeters of clay is in a pit of dimensions 4 m x 3 m x 3 m?
- If-then equation
If 5x - 17 = -x + 7, then x =
- Ten pupils
Ten pupils went to the store. Six pupils bought lollipops, and nine pupils bought chewing gum. How many pupils have bought both lollipops and chewing gums (if everyone bought something)?
- Wine
A bottle of wine costs 21 euros, and wine is 20 times more expensive than a bottle. How much does a bottle cost?
- Truck
The truck passed 4550 km in 5 days. The first three days passed, every day the same way. The fourth day passed 630 km, and the fifth day was 920 km. How many km have passed in the first three days?
- Rhombus sides
Find the sides of a rhombus; its area is 550 cm square, and its altitude is 55cm.
- Circumference 5146
What is the length of the side of the square since its circumference is o = 124mm
- Gloves
Petra has ten pairs of gloves in the closet. Six pairs are blue, and four pairs are yellow. At least when she pulls them out in the dark and wants to have one complete one-color pair, how many pieces of gloves need to be pulled out?
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