Permutations - practice problems - page 6 of 13
Number of problems found: 242
- Travelogues 45401
Martina borrowed three novels and two travelogues from the library. He will read the travelogues first. How many ways can he read the books?
- Fruits
We want to plant five fruit trees in the garden, of which three are apple trees and two pears. How many different ways can we organize them?
- Permutations with repetitions
How many times can the input of be permutated into four digits, three digits, and two digits without repetition? Ex: 4 digits = 1223, 2213, 3122, 2313, 4321. . etc 3 digits = . etc 2 digits = 12, 21, 31, 23 I have tried the
- Binary words
How many 10-bit words can be created with precisely four units (e.g., 1111000000)?
- Syrups
In the shop, they sell three types of syrups - apple, raspberry, and orange. How many ways can you buy four bottles of syrup?
- Three-digit 38371
How many odd three-digit numbers can you make of the five cards with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6?
- Possibilities 38143
If residents of MISSISSIPPI state have to use all the letters to choose their country's name, how many possibilities do they have?
- Cups on the shelf
We should place two green, three red, and two yellow cups side by side on the shelf. a) How many different ways of setting up can arise? b) How many different ways of arranging can arise if cups of the same color stand side by side?
- Different 38123
How many ways can we put seven different books on the shelf?
- Qualifying 37483
There are five good teams in the qualifying group for the World Cup. How many different orders can occur?
- Five-digit 37121
How many different five-digit numbers can we create from digits 4 and 5?
- Seedbeds
The father wants to plant two seedbeds of carrots and two seedbeds of onion. Use a tree chart to find how many different options he has for placing the seedbeds.
How many words can we make from all letters of the word BRATISLAVA?
- Different 35501
Dana received four new books. How many different orders can she read them?
- 3-digit 35271
How many 3-digit numbers can be created from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 if we must not repeat the digits?
- Number 4
Kamila wrote all-natural numbers from 1 to 400 inclusive. How many times did she write the number 4?
- Double-digit 33471
How many double-digit numbers greater than 60 can we make from digits 0,5,6,7,8,9? The numerals must not be repeated.
- Soccer teams
Have to organize soccer teams. There are three age groups. How many different ways can you organize ten teams for each age group? Is this a permutation or combination?
- Competition 33041
The long-term volleyball tournament is played one-on-one. So far, 11 teams have entered the competition. How many matches will be lost when two teams unsubscribe?
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