The perimeter of triangle problems - page 6 of 18
Number of problems found: 343
- One of
One of the internal angles of the rhombus is 120°, and the shorter diagonal is 3.4 meters long. Find the perimeter of the rhombus.
- The diagonals
The diagonals of the KOSA diamond are 20 cm and 48 cm long. Calculate the circumference of the diamond in centimeters rounded to one unit.
- In a
In a triangle, the aspect ratio a: c is 3:2, and a: b is 5:4. The perimeter of the triangle is 74cm. Calculate the lengths of the individual sides.
- Base of an isosceles triangle
Calculate the size of the base of an isosceles triangle; the height is 5 cm, and the arm's length is 6.5 cm. What is the perimeter of this triangle?
- Isosceles triangle
In an isosceles triangle, the arm's length and the length of the base are in a ratio of 3 to 5. What is the length of the arm?
- Isosceles triangle
The circumference of the isosceles triangle is 32.5 dm. The base length is 153 cm. How long is the leg of this triangle?
- Circumference of a triangle
The circumference of the triangle is 104 cm. One side is 6 cm longer and 8 cm shorter than the third. Find the lengths of its sides.
- Garden fence
The garden has the shape of a rectangular triangle with an area of 96 square meters and a 16 m long leg. How many meters of the fence need to be fenced?
- Sides of triangle
The Triangle circumference with two identical sides is 117cm. The third side measures 44cm. How many cms do you measure on one of the same sides?
- Triangle - is RT?
The triangle has a circumference of 90 cm. Side b is 1 cm longer than side c, and side c is 31 cm longer than side a. Calculate the length of the sides and determine whether a triangle is a right triangle.
- Described
Calculate the perimeter of the circle described by a triangle with sides 191, 428, 385.
- Calculation 81402
In an isosceles triangle, the side a=b= 21 cm, and the triangle's height is 19 cm. Find out the base and perimeter of the triangle (sketch, calculation, answer).
- Circumference 7615
The sides of the rectangle are in a ratio of 3:5. Its circumference is 48 cm. Calculate the length of its diagonal.
- Millimeters 6019
In an isosceles right triangle, the arms are 50 mm long, and the height at the base is 35.35 mm. Calculate the perimeter of this triangle in millimeters.
- Equilateral 2543
a) The perimeter of the equilateral triangle ABC is 63 cm. Calculate the side sizes of the triangle and its height. b) A right isosceles triangle has an area of 40.5 square meters. How big is his circuit? c) Calculate the square's area if the diagonal's s
- Circumference 1608
The bases of the isosceles trapezoid measure 110m and 50m. The distance between the bases is 40m. Calculate its circumference.
- Trapezoid - hard example
Bases of the trapezoid are: 24, 16 cm. Diagonal 22, 26 cm. Calculate its area and perimeter.
- Triangles - combinations
How many different triangles with sides in whole centimeters have a perimeter of 12 cm?
- 11990 perimeter RT
A right triangle has integer side lengths and a perimeter of 11990. In addition, we know that one of its perpendiculars has a prime number length. Find its length.
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