Natural numbers - math word problems - page 75 of 87
Natural numbers are all positive integers from 1 to infinity. They are also called counting numbers as they are used to count objects. Zero is not natural number. It is represented by numerals as 1,2,3.... 8, ..., etc.Number of problems found: 1731
- Bottles 31621
We filled 90 liters of must into bottles, some with a volume of 1 liter and some with a volume of 1.5 liters. Thus, we have a total of 70 bottles of must. How many bottles of each species did we fill?
- Three-digit 5312
Find the smallest four-digit number abcd such that the difference (ab)²− (cd)² is a three-digit number written in three identical digits.
- Consecutive 83266
Consecutive natural numbers on the number line are always 1 cm apart. Write the sum of the numbers 9 cm away from 517 on the number line.
- Cremons
The freight wagon is shaped like a cuboid 21m, 3.5m, and 4.2m. How many cube-shaped dorts can be loaded if one is a cube with an edge length of 7 cm?
- Divisible 9331
The number X is the smallest natural number whose half is divisible by three, a third is divisible by four, a quarter is divisible by eleven, and its half gives a remainder of 5 when divided by seven. Find this number.
- Together 7114
Michaella has five crayons. Victor has fewer of them than Michaella. Vendelín has as many as Michaella and Vojto have together. All three have seven times more crayons than Victor. How many crayons does Vendelín have?
- Sum of fall dices
What is the probability that the sum of 9 will fall on a roll of two dice? Hint: write down all the pairs that can occur as follows: 11 12 13 14 15. . 21 22 23 24. ... 31 32. .. . . . . . .. . 66, count them; it's the variable n Variable m: 36, 63,... wri
- Jewelry factory
In a jewelry factory, three assemblers make beaded necklaces. Marcus can make 22 necklaces per hour all day long. Anita can make 25 necklaces for her first three hours of the day and then slow down to 16 necklaces for the rest of the day. Yara can make 2
- Minimum surface
Find the length, breadth, and height of the cuboid-shaped box with a minimum surface area into which 50 cuboid-shaped blocks, each with length, breadth, and height equal to 4 cm, 3 cm, and 2 cm, respectively, can be packed.
- Vocational 7639
From the last year of one primary school, 8% of pupils went to study at a gymnasium, 60% went to vocational schools, and 8 pupils went into practice. How many students were there in total in the last year? How many went to study?
- Hockey Championships
At the 2021 World Hockey Championships, there are eight teams in Group A, each playing seven matches. There are 4 points for each team to gain points (3-2-1-0), but it is always paired with the opponent's points ( 0-1-2-3). How many points are there possi
- Wagons
We have six wagons: two white, two blue, and two red. We assemble trains from them; wagons of the same color are exactly the same, so if we change only two white wagons on a train, it's still the same train because I don't know any difference. How many di
- Three-digit 4698
The five cards with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 put together all three-digit odd numbers. How many are there?
- Eighty-eight 21113
588 pupils attend the school. There are 10% more girls than boys. How many boys and how many girls go to school?
- The dice
Find the probability that a number divisible by two or three will fall when the dice are rolled.
- Probability 41091
What is the probability that an odd prime will fall on a dice roll?
- MO C–I–1 2018
An unknown number is divisible by just four numbers from the set {6, 15, 20, 21, 70}. Determine which ones.
- Clotheslines
Mommy needs six clotheslines 360 cm long. Clotheslines are sold in the length of eight meters. How many of these clotheslines must buy mom if any does not want to be connected? How much does mommy pay for the clotheslines when one piece costs 24kč?
- Beginning 66104
The kangaroo always jumps three steps up. Each time he jumps, the bunny jumps down two steps. On which stairs will they meet? The kangaroo stands on the 1st step at the beginning and the bunny on the 100th.
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