Multiplication principle - practice problems - page 8 of 28
Number of problems found: 542
- Combinations 63634
Jana has three blouses, red, blue, and white, and three skirts, blue, black, and brown. In how many days will all combinations of blouses and skirts change?
- Four-digit 63604
A four-digit code has the letters A, B, and C in the first two places and numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the following two places. How many different codes can be made if we can repeat both letters and numbers in the code?
- Five-digit 63424
How many five-digit numbers can we make from digits 2,3,4,6,7,9 if they can repeat with the digits?
- Identical 63414
Jeníček has 4 identical yellow dice and 3 identical blue dice. How many different colored snakes can make them?
- According 63394
Three boys and four girls. How many ways can they be placed side by side according to gender?
- Arrangements 63384
Determine the number of arrangements of these six elements: a, a, a, b, b, c.
- Sequentially 63274
In the pocket, there are six tickets marked with numbers 1 to 6. How many ways can we sequentially, taking into account the order, select 3 of them if the chosen tickets do not return to the pocket?
- Two-digit 62944
Find the number of all two-digit numbers created from digits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 that are greater than 24. We can repeat numerals.
- Six attractions
How many opportunities do you have if you want to complete ten rides on the fair, but there are only six attractions?
- Film premiere
How can you distribute 40 cinema tickets to 15 people?
- Gertrude 62304
Six boys and six girls (among them Emil, Félix, Gertrude, and Hanka) want to dance. The number of ways they can make six (mixed) couples if Emil does not want to dance with Gertrude and Hanka wants to dance with Felix is?
- Wall paper
Suppose you want to paper your walls. Wallpapers are available in 4 different backgrounds colors with seven different designs of 5 different colors. In how many ways can you select your wallpaper?
- Students 62184
There are 16 students in the class. If the teacher wants to choose two students who will be weekly, how many options does she have?
- Tournament 61544
In an amateur chess tournament, everyone plays with everyone. There are a total of 171 chess games on the program. How many players take part in the match?
- Spouses 61294
Ten married couples board the train, which has five cars. How many ways can they take if no two spouses want to be in the exact vehicle?
- Face combinations
If I have 20 sets of eyes, 20 noses, and 20 months, how many unique face combinations can I make?
- Even five-digit
How many can even five-digit natural numbers with different digits be created from the digits 0 - 6?
- School group
There are five girls and seven boys in the group. They sit in a row next to each other. How many options if no two girls sit next to each other?
- Probability 59493
Determine the probability of a random event out of 10 randomly selected bridge cards. There will be at least three aces. Note This is a team game, with 52 cards in the deck, of which four aces.
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