Multiplication principle - math word problems - page 17 of 28
Number of problems found: 542
- Telephone numbers
How many 7-digit telephone numbers can we put together so that each number consists of different digits?
- Repetition 8329
How many 5-digit numbers without repetition have the last digit two smaller than the previous one?
- Representative 8328
How many ways can a commander and a representative of a 20-member group be elected?
- Triangles 8306
Find out how many triangles you create from lines 7 dm, 5 dm, 10 dm, 12 dm, and 15 dm long.
- Holidays with grandmam
We packed three white, red, and orange T-shirts and five pairs of pants—blue, green, black, pink, and yellow. If we put on a different combination of clothes every day, how many days can we spend with the old mother?
- Digits
How many odd four-digit numbers can we create from digits 0, 3, 5, 6, and 7? (a) the figures may be repeated (b) the digits may not be repeated
- Possibilities 8237
How many different possibilities exist for settling friends A, B, C, D, E, and F in six seats if A wants to sit next to C?
- Bookshelf and books
How many ways can we place seven books on a bookshelf?
- 4-digit 8231
How many 4-digit numeric pin codes can be created so that not all four digits are identical?
- Menu
There are 12 kinds of meals on the menu. How many ways can we choose four different meals for the daily menu?
- A jackpot
How many times must I play this jackpot to win? A jackpot of seven games having (1 X 2), i.e., home win or away win.
- Three-digit integers
How many three-digit natural numbers exist that do not contain zero and are divisible by five?
- Necklaces 8006
Elena has four beads: yellow, two pink, and green. How many different colored necklaces can he create?
- Classroom
Of the 26 pupils in the classroom, 12 boys and 14 girls, four representatives are picked to the odds of being: a) all the girls b) three girls and one boy c) there will be at least two boys
- Three workplaces
How many ways can we divide nine workers into three workplaces if they need four workers in the first workplace, 3 in the second workplace, and 2 in the third?
- Tournament 7975
Eight players took part in the table tennis tournament. The tournament system allows players to play with each other only once. How many matches will take place in this tournament?
- Organized 7966
A group of foreign tourists planned to visit 4 Slovak cities - Košice, Prešov, Poprad, and Kežmarok. They decided that Prešov would be the third city they would visit. How many different ways could they have organized a visit to the listed places?
- Four-digit 7953
How many four-digit codes on the wheel lock can we create from the digit 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 if it is true that we cannot repeat the numbers?
- Boys and girls
There are 11 boys and 18 girls in the classroom. Three pupils will answer. What is the probability that two boys will be among them?
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