Geometric progression - math word problems - page 11 of 13
Number of problems found: 259
- Infinite decimal
Imagine the infinite decimal number 0.99999999... That is a decimal and her endless series of nines. Determine how much this number is less than the number 1. Thank you in advance.
- Eight palm
There grow eight palms by the sea. At the first sitting, one parrot, on the second two, on the third sits four parrots on each other, twice the previous parrots sitting on a previous palm. How many parrots are sitting on the eighth palm?
- Series and sequences
Find a fraction equivalent to the recurring decimal. 0.435643564356
- Precision 3390
The price of the device is reduced by one-fifth every year. How long before the price of the device drops to one-tenth of the price? Specify years and months with precision.
- Calculate 3339
A1 + a3 = 15 a1 + a2 + a3 = 21 Calculate a1 and q (quotient of the geometric sequence).
- Gp - 80
One of the first four members of a geometric progression is 80. Find it if we know that the fourth member is nine times greater than the second.
- Entrepreneur 2691
The entrepreneur invested euros in the bank at the beginning of 2000 for a period of 9 months with an annual interest rate of 12%. How many euros will the bank credit him with the deposit after nine months?
- Increased 2472
The price of skis increased twice from May to December, always by 20%. In December, the skis cost 1440 SKK. What was the original price in May?
- Determine 2426
Determine the first nine members of the sequence if a 10 = -8, q = -1.
- Sequence - 5 members
Write the first five members of the sequence a_n =(3n - (-1)^n) +2
- Population
What is the city's population with 3% annual growth if, in 10 years, the city will have 60,000 residents?
- GP - 8 items
Determine the first eight members of a geometric progression if a9=512, q=2
- Determine 2388
Determine the fifth member of the sequence if a1 = -32, q = 21
- To the cinema
Jane at 8 AM got a message that all 1093 school pupils would go to the cinema. Within 20 min she said it to the three friends. Each of them again for 20 minutes said to the other three. In this way, the message spread further. At what time do all the scho
- Miraculous tree
The miraculous tree grows so fast that the first day increases its height by half the total height of the second day by the third, the third day by a quarter, etc. How many times will it increase its height after 6 days?
- The city 2
Today lives 298000 citizens in the city. How many citizens can we expect in 8 years if their annual increase is 2.4%?
- Tenth member
Calculate the tenth member of the geometric sequence when given: a1=1/2 and q=2
- Insert into GP
Between numbers 5 and 640, insert as many numbers as necessary to form a geometric progression, so the sum of the numbers you entered will be 630. How many numbers must you insert?
- Half life
Determine the half-life of bismuth, when bismuth weight from the original weight of 32 g was only 2 grams in 242 minutes.
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