Fundamentals of Physics - math word problems - page 30 of 45
Number of problems found: 896
- Calculate 9571
At 9:00 AM, a car left Zlín in the direction of Brno, 98 km away. At 9:15 AM, a vehicle left Brno in the direction of Zlín and drove at a speed 6 km/h higher than the speed of the car traveling from Zlín. The cars met at 9:45 AM. Calculate the speeds of b
- The glass
1 m³ of glass weighs 2600 kg. Calculate the weight of the glass glazing panel with dimensions of 2.5 m and 3.8 m if the thickness of the glass is 0.8 cm.
- Procedure 9191
Behind the tractor, which travels at 12 km/h, they sent a car 3.5 hours later to catch up with him in 45 minutes. What speed does he have to go? Please also explain the procedure.
- Two friends
Two friends on a bicycle rode against each other from two places 49 km apart. The first set off at 8.00 at a speed of 20km/h, the second 12 minutes later at a speed of 25km/h. What time do they meet? How many km will each of them travel since then?
An electric motor makes 3,000 revolutions per minute. How many degrees does it rotate in one second?
- Speedometer 8781
The car's speedometer showed a constant speed of 60 km/h for 5 minutes. What path did the car cover during this time?
- Density - Au
What volume is 1/2 kg of gold? The density of gold is 19.3 kg/dm³.
- Motorcyclist 8671
The motorcyclist was riding: a) the first half of the driving time at a speed of 30 km/h, the second half of the time at a speed of 60 km/h, b) the track's first half at a speed of 30 km/h and the second half at a speed of 60 km/h. Determine its average s
- Distance 8591
The distance between A and B is 132 km. At 9:00, a cyclist set off from A at 24 km/h. At 10:00, a cyclist set off from B at a speed of 30 km/h. How long and for how long will they meet (from A)?
- Accelerated motion - mechanics
With a total weight of 3.6 t, the delivery truck accelerates from 76km/h to 130km/h in the 0.286 km long way. How much was the force needed to achieve this acceleration?
- Braking distance
The car travels at an average speed of 12 km/h and detects an obstacle 10 m in front of it. At 1 m in front of the obstacle, it already runs 2 km/h. What is the braking distance? What is the required deceleration for a stop: A) 1m B) 1s?
- Temperature difference
Libya's highest temperature was recorded at 58 degrees Celsius, and the lowest was recorded at -88 degrees Celsius. What is the temperature difference?
- Kilometers 8386
At 10 a.m., a passenger car left Pardubice toward Chomutov at a speed of 65 km/h. A passenger car drove in the same direction at 10:30 a.m. at an average 75 km/h speed. The distance between Pardubice and Chomutov is 250 km. When will the second car catch
- Weigh 8301
How much does a gold cube weigh, 30 x 30 x 30 cm?
- Sphere floating
Will a hollow iron ball float with an outer diameter of d1 = 20cm and an inside diameter of d2 = 19cm in the water? The iron density is 7.8 g/cm³. (Instructions: Calculate the average sphere density and compare it with the water density. )
- Iceberg
What is the surface area of a 50 cm iceberg (in the shape of a cuboid) that can carry a man with luggage with a total weight of 120 kg?
- Kilometer 8263
A train travels from station A to station B at a speed of 90 km/h. Another train travels from station B to station A at a speed of 45 km/h. The distance between the stations is 60 km. They leave at the same time. How long will they meet and at which kilom
- Friction coefficient
What is the weight of a car when it moves on a horizontal road at a speed of v = 50 km/h at engine power P = 7 kW? The friction coefficient is 0.07
- Horizontally 8187
We turn the prism-shaped box with a height of 1 m and a square base with an edge of 0.6 m under a force of 350 N, which acts horizontally compared to the upper edge. What is the weight of the box?
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