Diagonal - math word problems - last page
Number of problems found: 527
- Body diagonal
Find the cube surface if its body diagonal has a size of 6 cm.
- A prism
A prism with an altitude of 15 cm has a base in the form of a regular octagon inscribed in a square of 10cm x 10cm. Find the volume of the prism.
- Cube diagonal
Determine the length of the cube diagonal with edge 23 km.
- Calculate 4694
Calculate the length of the body diagonal in a cube of 15 cm.
- Octahedron in a cube
What largest octahedron can we place inside a cubical box with sides equal to 72?
- Cube in ball
The cube is inscribed into the sphere of radius 181 dm. How many percent is the volume of the cube of the volume of the sphere?
- Body diagonal
Calculate the length of the body diagonal of the 6cm cube.
We apologize, but in this category are not a lot of examples.
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