Diagonal + triangle - practice problems - page 4 of 21
Number of problems found: 401
- Cross-section 5567
What diameter must the trunk of a tree have to carve a beam with a square cross-section of 20 cm on it?
- Centimeters 4404
Calculate the diagonal of a square if its area is equal to 169 square centimeters.
- Diagonals
The diagonal of a rhombus is 20 cm long. If its side is 26 cm, find the length of the other diagonal.
- Parallelogram 3567
One side of the parallelogram is 5 cm. Can it have 3 cm and 6 cm diagonals?
- A rectangle 5
A rectangle has sides of 10 cm and 14 cm. Calculate the angle between a diagonal and a long side.
- A rhombus
A rhombus has sides of the length of 10 cm, and the angle between two adjacent sides is 76 degrees. Find the length of the longer diagonal of the rhombus.
- The diamond
The diamond has 35 cm-wide sides, and the diagonals are in a ratio of 1:2. Calculate the diagonal lengths.
- Circular ring
A square with an area of 16 centimeters is inscribed circle k1 and described to circle k2. Calculate the area of the circular ring, which circles k1, and k2 form.
- Pentagon
Calculate the area of a regular pentagon whose diagonal is u=18 long.
- Calculate 69104
The diagonal of the TV screen is 82 cm, and the height is 40 cm. Calculate the width of the screen.
- Rectangle 62854
The aspect ratio of the rectangle and its diagonal is 9:12:15. Calculate the area of the rectangle if the length of the diagonal is 105 cm.
- Equilateral 6306
We composed the diamond of four equilateral triangles with a side length of 7 cm. What's his circuit?
- Calculate 6149
Find the area and perimeter of a square whose diagonal is 10 cm.
- Diagonal 5555
The pool has a diamond shape with a side 20m long. One diagonal is 32 meters. What is the second diagonal?
- One of
One of the internal angles of the rhombus is 120°, and the shorter diagonal is 3.4 meters long. Find the perimeter of the rhombus.
- The diagonals
The diagonals of the KOSA diamond are 20 cm and 48 cm long. Calculate the circumference of the diamond in centimeters rounded to one unit.
- Diagonals of pentagon
Calculate the diagonal length of the regular pentagon: a) inscribed in a circle of radius 12dm; b) a circumscribed circle with a radius of 12dm.
- Rhombus
The rhombus has diagonal lengths of 4.2cm and 3.4cm. Calculate the length of the sides of the rhombus and its height.
- Square inscribed
Find the length of the side of the square ABCD, which is inscribed to a circle k with a radius of 10 cm.
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