Diagonal + triangle - practice problems - page 15 of 21
Number of problems found: 401
- Space diagonal angles
Calculate the angle between the body diagonal and the side edge c of the block with dimensions: a = 28cm, b = 45cm, and c = 73cm. Then, find the angle between the body diagonal and the plane of the base ABCD.
- Cuboid face diagonals
The lengths of the cuboid edges are in the ratio 1:2:3. Will the lengths of its diagonals be in the same ratio? The cuboid has dimensions of 5 cm, 10 cm, and 15 cm. Calculate the size of the wall diagonals of this cuboid.
- ABCDA'B'C'D 6261
The ABCDA'B'C'D 'prism has a square base. The wall diagonal of the AC base is 9.9 cm long, and the body diagonal AC 'is 11.4 cm long. Calculate the surface area and volume of the prism.
- Diagonals of a prism
The base of the square prism is a rectangle with dimensions of 3 dm and 4 dm. The height of the prism is 1 m. Find out the angle between the body diagonal and the base's diagonal.
- Tangent spheres
A sphere with a radius of 1 m is placed in the corner of the room. What is the largest sphere size that fits into the corner behind it? Additional info: Two spheres are placed in the corner of a room. The spheres are each tangent to the walls and floor an
- Calculate 74024
The diagonal of the axial section of the rotating cylinder is 6 cm, and its surface is 30 cm square. Calculate the radius of the base.
- Calculate 70634
The axial section of the cylinder is a rectangle with a diagonal of u = 20 cm. The height of the cylinder is twice the diameter of the base. Calculate the cylinder volume in liters.
- Quadrilateral 16603
Calculate the volume of a regular quadrilateral pyramid, which has the size of the base edge a = 8 cm and the length of the side edge h = 9 cm.
- Surface area of the top
A cylinder is three times as high as it is wide. The length of the cylinder diagonal is 20 cm. Find the exact surface area of the top of the cylinder.
- One-third 77724
The cuboid has a body diagonal u=25 cm, and side b is one-third longer than side a. What is the volume of the cuboid?
- Block-shaped 39241
The boys wanted to store their hand-made totem 5.1 m high in the block-shaped shed, which measures 4 m, 3 m, and 2 m, for the winter. Will it fit in there at all?
- Dimensions 4700
The toolbox has internal dimensions, a length of 1.5 meters, a width of 80 cm, and a height of 6 dm. Calculate the longest rod we can hide in this box.
- Calculate 23411
The prism with a diamond base has one base diagonal of 20 cm and a base edge of 26 cm. The edge of the base is 2:3 to the height of the prism. Calculate the volume of the prism.
- Cuboid
Cuboid with edge a=6 cm and space diagonal u=31 cm has volume V=900 cm³. Calculate the length of the other edges.
- Ratio of edges
The cuboid dimensions are in a ratio of 3:1:2. The body diagonal has a length of 28 cm. Find the volume of a cuboid.
- Ratio-cuboid
The lengths of the edges of the cuboid are in the ratio 2:3:6. Its body diagonal is 14 cm long. Calculate the volume and surface area of the cuboid.
- Calculate 8354
In a regular pyramid in which the edge of the base is | AB | = 4cm; height = 6cm, calculate the angle of the lines AV and CV, V = vertex.
- Quadrilateral pyramid
The regular quadrilateral pyramid has a base edge a = 1.56 dm and a height h = 2.05 dm. Calculate: a) the deviation angle of the sidewall plane from the base plane b) deviation angle of the side edge from the plane of the base
- Quadrilateral pyramid
In a regular quadrilateral pyramid, the side edge is e = 7 dm, and the base's diagonal is 50 cm. Calculate the pyramid shell area.
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