Cuboid practice problems - page 13 of 37
A cuboid is a three-dimensional shape with a length, width, and height. A cuboid is a Rectangular Prism. The cuboid body has six sides called faces. Each face of a cuboid is a rectangle, and all of a cuboid's corners (called vertices) are 90-degree angles. Opposite faces are parallel. A cuboid has the shape of a rectangular box.Number of problems found: 731
- Dimensions 82604
1 kg of cubed sugar consists of 840 cubes with an edge of 1.1 cm. Determine the sugar's density and the box's dimensions if the cubes are lined up in seven rows of nine cubes each. How many square meters of cardboard are needed to make 3000 boxes?
- Compartments 81755
Mr. Milan made a container for sorting waste from wood. The outside will be painted. There will be compartments for plastic and paper on the edges and for glass in the middle. How large areas will he paint with individual colors? The container has a cuboi
- Rectangular 67604
The Horniakovs dug a pit for a cesspool in the shape of a cuboid with bottom dimensions of 40*40 dm and a depth of 350 cm. A) How many cubic meters of soil did they dig up? B) The excavated soil was evenly spread and pressed onto a rectangular area measur
- Length 83358
A block-shaped pool has a length of 50m, width of 25m, and depth of 3.5 m. When the pool is filled 50 cm below the edge, how many hectoliters of water is in it? If we paint the inside of the pool two coats and you pay 50 cents per 1m2, how much
- Painting
The room is 50 meters long, wide 60 dm, and 300 cm high. Calculate how much it will cost to paint if the area of windows and doors is 15% of the total area. One square meter costs 50 cents.
- Leveling
Calculate how many we must purchase 25 kg bags of leveling concrete if we level room 19 m² to the "height" 11 mm if consumption is 1.7 kg per square meter and millimeter thickness.
- Constructing 67634
During the construction of a 140-meter-long gas pipeline, a pit with vertical walls 1.5 m deep and 1 m wide must be created. A) How many cubic meters of soil must be dug up? B) We spread the excavated soil evenly on a field with dimensions of 70 m and 120
- Cardboard 37871
The closed cardboard box has the shape of a block measuring 25 cm, 1.2 dm, and 0.5m. How much cardboard is needed to make 20 such boxes? If you need to add 5% per bend.
- Room dimensions
The room dimensions are 5m and 3.5m, and the height is 2.85m. Paint the room (even with the ceiling). There will be two layers. Doors and windows have a total of 2.5 m². One box of paint is enough for 6 m². How many boxes of paint are needed? How much do
- Centimeters 81623
The warehouse has the shape of a cuboid with dimensions: length of 50 meters, width of 600 decimeters, and height of 300 centimeters. Calculate how much it will cost to paint a windowless room with a door 150 centimeters wide and 200 centimeters high (the
- Cuboid diagonal
Calculate the volume and surface area of the cuboid ABCDEFGH, which sides a, b, and c have dimensions in the ratio of 10:8:9. If you know that the diagonal wall AC is 75 cm, and the angle between AC and space diagonal AG is 30 degrees.
- Block-shaped 26041
In the block-shaped room, the floor has dimensions of 4 m and 3.5 m. The volume of this room is 35 m³. How much will it cost to paint this room if we pay €1.2 for 1 m² of paint (remember that we will not paint the floor)?
- Rectangle 7768
The base of a cuboid is a rectangle. The ratio of its length to width is 3:2. The length of the rectangle of the base is in the ratio of 4:5 to the height of the block. The sum of the lengths of all the edges of the block is 2.8m. Find: a) the surface of
- Calculate 82567
The volume of a cuboid with a square base is 64 cm3, and the body diagonal deviation from the base's plane is 45 degrees. Calculate its surface area.
- Side wall planes
Find the volume and surface of a cuboid whose side c is 30 cm long and whose body diagonal forms angles of 24°20' and 45°30' with the planes of the side walls.
- Dimensions 30111
The hall has dimensions of 60m, 28m, and a height of 3m. How many hours will it take to paint it if it takes 3 minutes to paint 1 square meter? The walls and ceiling are painted, and the windows take up 1/3 of the total area that needs to be painted.
- Dimensions 2720
The cabinet has the shape of a cuboid, the dimensions of which are 80 cm and 55 cm, and a height of 1.8 m. The cabinet is painted twice on the outside. How much paint is used to paint the cabinet if 1kg is enough for 4 m²? (we do not paint the bottom of t
- People 17333
The room is 240 cm high and has a volume of 48 m³. How many people can work in it when there is 7 m² of floor space per person?
- Forces
In point, G acts three orthogonal forces: F1 = 16 N, F2 = 7 N, and F3 = 6 N. Determine the resultant of F and the angles between F and forces F1, F2, and F3.
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