Cube practice problems - page 8 of 28
Number of problems found: 545
- Cube surfce2volume
Calculate the volume of the cube if its surface is 150 cm².
- Container with water
The cube-shaped container is filled with water to half its height. If we add 20 liters of water, the company will fill the container to three-quarters of its height. What is the volume of the whole container?
- One third power
Which equation justifies why ten to the one-third power equals the cube root of ten?
- Length of the edge
Find the length of the edge of a cube with a cm² surface and a volume in cm³ expressed by the same number.
- Soil pit
Workers dug a pit cube with an edge of 2.5 meters. How many cars shall remove soil if the car suddenly takes 4 m³ of soil?
- Increase 46473
He enlarges the side of the 8 cm long cube by 20%. How much will its volume increase compare to the original cube?
- Create 44531
We make a box in the shape of a cube with an edge of 12 cm. How many cm² of sheet metal do we need to create a box if we do not make the lid?
- Cube surface and volume
The surface of the cube is 500 cm². How much cm³ will its volume be?
- Sheet of paper
Is the sheet of paper measuring 18 and 25 cm enough for taping 9 cm cubes with an edge? (1 = yes, 0 = no)
- Cube
The cube weighs 11 kg. How weigh is a cube of the same material if its dimensions are 3-times smaller?
- Definitely 83326
We roll the dice five times. Make sentences: a) 3 events that definitely cannot happen. Write a reason for each. b) 3 events that will definitely occur; write a reason for each. Another problem: 3 events that may or may not occur for each. Write a reason.
- Material 65504
The cube with an edge of 1 cm weighs 0.2 kg. What is the weight of a cube made of the same material with an edge 4 cm long?
- Calculate 5624
The cube has a surface area of 110.6 cm². Calculate the length of its edge.
- Product 3108
The product of 3 numbers is 42. The first is 1.5 times larger than the second number, and the third is 3.5 times larger than the second number. What numbers are these?
- Derivative problem
The sum of two numbers is 12. Find these numbers if: a) The sum of their third powers is minimal. b) The product of one with the cube of the other is maximal. c) Both are positive, and the product of one with the other power of the other is maximal.
- Water level
How many cm will the water level in a cube-shaped tank with an edge of 3 m drop if we discharge 189 hl of water?
- Granite cube statue
What is the weight of a granite cube with an edge length of 75 cm if one m³ of granite weighs 2.7 tons?
- Rate or interest
At what rate percent will Rs.2000 amount to Rs.2315.25 in 3 years at compound interest?
- Cube corners
We cut a small cube with an edge length of 2 cm from each corner of a large cube with an edge length of 10 cm. How many cm³ was the body left from the big cube after cutting the small cubes?
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