Area - math word problems - page 131 of 149
Number of problems found: 2968
- 4side pyramid
Calculate the volume and surface of the regular four-sided pyramid whose base edge is 4 cm long. The angle from the plane of the sidewall and base plane is 60 degrees.
- Cuboid - complicated
Three walls of the same cuboid have an area of 6 cm², 10 cm², and 15 cm². Calculate the volume of the cuboid.
- Triangular pyramid
Determine the volume and surface area of a regular triangular pyramid having a base edge a=20 cm and a lateral edge b = 35 cm.
- Ratio - rectangle
The rectangle has dimensions of 6 cm and 9 cm. When its dimensions increase in the ratio of 5:3, how many times does the area and perimeter increase?
- Reservoir
A reservoir that is 6 m long has a diameter of 2.2 m. What is its surface area in square meters?
- Rectangular triangles
The lengths of the corresponding sides of two rectangular triangles are in the ratio 2:5. At what ratio are medians relevant to hypotenuse these right triangles? At what ratio are the areas of these triangles? A smaller rectangular triangle has legs 6 and
- Tiles
How much will you pay CZK for laying tiles in a square room with a diagonal of 8 m if 1 m² cost CZK 420?
- Lawns
Before a sports hall are two equally large rectangular lawns measuring 40 m and 12 m. Maintenance of a 10m² lawn costs 45 CZK yearly. On each lawn is a circular flowerbed with a diameter of 8 meters. How much money is needed each year to take on lawn care
- The cone
The cone's lateral surface area is 4 cm², and the area of the base is 2 cm². Find the angle in degrees (deviation) of the cone sine and the cone base plane. (The cone side is the segment joining the vertex cone with any point of the base circle. All sides
- Area of the cone
Calculate the surface area of the cone. You know the base diameter is 25 cm, and the height is 40 cm.
- Equilateral triangle v2
An equilateral triangle has a perimeter 36 dm. What is its area?
- Hexagonal pyramid
The pyramid's base is a regular hexagon, which can be circumscribed in a circle with a radius of 1 meter. Calculate the volume of a pyramid 2.5 meters high.
- Cube from sphere
What largest surface area (in cm²) can have a cube that we cut out of a sphere with a radius 26 cm?
- SD - mean
The mean is 10, and the standard deviation is 3.5. If the data set contains 40 data values, approximately how many of the data values will fall within the range of 6.5 to 13.5?
- Water
In the garden with an area of 8 ares, rain 40hl of water. To what heights leveled water?
- Tetrahedral prism
Calculate the surface and volume of a tetrahedral prism, which has a rhomboid-shaped base, and its dimensions are a = 12 cm, b = 7 cm, ha = 6 cm, and prism height h = 10 cm.
- Circle - easy 2
The circle has a radius of 6 cm. Calculate its diameter, perimeter, and area:
- Circle - simple
Calculate the area of a circle in dm² if its circumference is 31.4 cm.
- Colour - billboard
Shelftalker has the shape of a parallelogram. Its length is 4.9 m, and its corresponding height is 3.5 meters. Calculate how much (kg) paint must be purchased for redecoration if 1 kg covers 4 m² of shelf talker surface.
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